Chapter 15: Challenge excepted

Start from the beginning

"Time for the player pledge!" She announced into her microphone as she whipper her small tasseled whip around.

"Oh, this year's chief umpire for the first year is the R-rated hero, Midnight!" You heard someone near you say.

"What is Ms. Midnight wearing?" You heard Kirishima say.

"That's an R-rated hero for you," Kaminari replied from beside Kirishima.

Bakugou ignored the two as he waited patiently for Midnight to explain what the first trial would be. In all honesty, he could care less if she was butt naked right now, the only thing that mattered to him at the moment was wining the festival...and besides....he already had his eyes on someone else...

"Be quite!" Midnight scolded the crowd, "representing the students is Bakugou Katsuki from class 1-A1." As soon as those words left Midnight's mouth he could feel his peers drilling holes into his back, it really shouldn't have been a surprised to them that he'd be representing them, he did after all get the highest score in the entrance exams.

Everyone awaited in silence as he took to the stage.

"I pledge-" he began, "that i'll be number one." As soon as those words flew out of mouth outrage spread threw out the stadium.

"Why are you doing something so disgraceful-" Bakugou heard the class rep yell at him as he walked down the steps of the stage.

"At least become a nice bouncy step for me to jump off of," he said as he turned to face the navy-haired male.

Watching as the blonde made his way back to stand beside you you couldn't help get this weird vibe from him- as if he wasn't saying all that because he was confident- but more likely to challenge those around him.

'If Katsuki-kun was being a narcissistic bastard- wouldn't he be laughing or making fun of people? I haven't known him for too long, but it feels like he'd be a bit more cocky if wanted to piss off other people, so why is he driving himself into a corner?'

Much sooner than you had expected, the crowd settled down once more to listen on to the instructions- sure their was still a few glares being shot in not only Katsuki's direction, but at you're class in general, but you half expected people to be still slurring out insults.

"Now let's get started right away," Midnight said. "The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their own tears here! Now, here is the fateful first game!" She yelled as she whipped her whip around, a screen suddenly appeared from behind her. "This year it's..." She pauses for a dramatic effect as the screen behind her scrambles words around until they stop altogether.

"Obstacle race," was the words that were displayed on the screen.

"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium- about four kilometer's!" The screen displayed a little cartoon example as Midnight explained. "Our school's selling point is freedom! As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do! Now, take your places everyone!"


The crowd went dead silent for a split second until Midnight yelled "start" and almost instantaneously the students began pushing and shoving- desperately trying to get to the front...until a thick layer of ice froze the front of the crowd into place by a certain someone that it didn't take long for the students of you're class to realize who it was- Todoroki Shouto.

But Bakugou was faster than the rest and managed to boast himself into the air- he could only hope that you weren't in the front of the crowd.

"I won't let you get away so easily you half-and-half bastard!!" Bakugou screamed at the bi hair colored male as he gained momentum.

"Obstacles have shown up suddenly!" Bakugou heard Present Mic say over the bustling crowd of yelling fans and screaming children.

Looking ahead Bakugou was met with the 0-point robots from the entrance exams.

'This is too easy.'


The moment Midnight yelled "start" you were instantly thrown, pushed, and shoved around like a rag doll....or at least that was the case until a thick layer of ice spread out from the front of the crowd and stopping just before you're feet, freezing everyone in front of you in place.

Taking this opportunity, you did you best not to slip and fall as you and a few other's made it out of the entrance tunnels.

'That ice must have came from Todoroki-kun...he really is serous about winning this...well so am i!!'


Welp, i hoped you guys liked this chapter- lol i did my best to kinda make this chapter in both Bakugou's and Reader-chan's point of view, i also tried my best to express anxiety for Reader-chan, but it really is hard even for someone like myself to express that type of feeling so i hope you guys are a bit forgiving of that.

Chapter 16 should be out sometime this coming January <3

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