Chapter 3. A Beautiful Place

Start from the beginning

"The problem is how are you going to stop Aria from figuring out what you're doing? Aria seems to know you too well," Luis said.

"She won't think anything is up. She'll think the beach house is the surprise," I said. "That is why I chose to do it this way. She did notice that I have been weird lately. She asked me about it this morning."

"Who is going to watch Angel, or are you taking him with?" Joey asked.

"We hired a nanny a couple of weeks ago," I said. "Rosa is going to watch him."

"Good luck," the boys chorused.

"Thanks," I muttered. I turned for my GTO. The sun started to set behind the hills.

The limousine waited outside the mansion. I parked the GTO in the garage and let the limo driver know that we would be ready soon.

Aria sat in the study at her desk doing paperwork. A lot of her job consisted of paperwork. Everything that took paperwork had to have her signature or mine. I helped her with it usually.

"Bebita," I said.

Aria looked up at me. "Hey, how did it go?"

"It went fine. Are you about done?"

"Not even close." Aria rolled her eyes and sighed. She chewed on the top of the pen as she gazed back down at her papers.

"Quit for the night. I'll help you later. You need to go upstairs and get dressed. We're leaving," I said.

She looked up, her lips parted, and the pen fell from her hand. "Just us? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

Aria sighed. "I hate surprises."

"You're going to like this one. Wear something pretty." A smirk spread across my face.

Aria looked at me suspiciously, but she was clueless. "What about Angel?"

"Rosa will watch him," I said.

Aria shrugged. "Okay."

Aria went upstairs to get dressed, and I went to find Rosa.

Rosa stood in the kitchen with Angel in her arms. She had a bottle in the microwave.

"Rosa," I said.

Rosa turned and smiled at me. "Yes, sir?"

"Ace," I corrected.

"Ace," Rosa repeated and smiled.

"Aria and I are heading out. You have both of our cellphone numbers. Andersen will know where to find us as well. Do you need anything else?" I asked.

"No, sir," Rosa said. Rosa pursed her lips and tilted her head. "I meant Ace."

I chuckled. I reached for Angel. "I'm sure that Aria would like to kiss him goodbye."

"Of course," Rosa said.

It was hard to believe that Angel already turned eight weeks old. Time passed by quickly. Angel already cooed and giggled like crazy, especially at Aria. Angel was a mama's boy.

Aria came down to the foyer. She wore a long tight white dress. The dress had a slit up to her right thigh. She had her hair piled on top of her head in a bun and wore light makeup.

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