chapter 6

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chapter 6

Jo's POV.

Amelia pulled me over to a bench and we sat down.

"ok," Amelia says gets excited. "did you ever get into the MAG??" she asks, she knows that was my dream school. memories from that night flash in my head, and use shake my head no.

"what MAG?" Harry asks, and Amelia looks up at him shocked and I lock my gaze on my feet.

"what is MAG? it's only one of the best schools ever! with one of the most recognized art program ever! what is MAG!" Amelia scoffed "what is Harvard!!" she said waving her hands. "and you guys know Jo, but you don't know what MAG is? she only talks about it like 24/7!!" oh how wrong she is....

"Jo barely talks, and shes never mentioned anything much less a school." Liam say kindly.

"What?" Amelia says more serious. "Jo, what has happened to you? last time I saw you you were spending your days sitting in front of a sketch book, and spending all the other time with your family. Now your in London, with stranger as your legal guardians, and they have never heard of your dream school. It's only been 3 years! How could that much change?" oh if she only knew what I've been through. "Jo?" I look at her my eyes still wet. "oh come here sweetie." she says giving me a hug. "You been through so much, THAT much I can tell."

"I'd hate to ruin this moment, but we still don't know who you are." Zayn says

"oh yeah!" Amelia stands up to shake there hands. "I'm Amelia Ramonis, I'm 21, I work for a non-profit organisation called We All Deserve Good. And the way I know Jo is, my younger sister Corra. They were best friends, Jo even drew the portrait we used at her funeral." she it back down next to me. "Jo was there in the room when she passed... And.." Amelia chokes up a little. "We basically consider her family."

"Amelia!" I voice yells from behind her, I look to a girl waving.

"What?!" Amelia yells back wipeing an invisible tear from her cheek.

"Come on! We're leaving!" she yells, Amelia looks at me.

"well, I guess that's my cue to go." She says standing up and giving me one last hug. "It was so nice seeing you again! And it was nice meeting all of you. Next time I'm in London I try and contact you! Bye!" she says running off towards the brown haired girl.

"well that was... Interesting." Louis says

" yeah. I think we should start heading back home." Liam says starting to walk down the path. I stand up and follow him, the rest of the guys following me. We walk through the park, and then down the streets of London. I notice people keep giving the guys strange looks, and then me even stranger ones. Behind me I here Niall start talking on his phone. After a couple minutes he hangs up and starts talking, but it's kinda sounds like he talking to himself.

"Only a couple of blocks." he says

"Is the car meeting us there?" Harry asks. Niall nods and quickly walks in front of me, Liam and Zayn walk right beside me, Harry and Louis walk behind me. Its like how police have walked me in and out of court.

As we husle through the crowded sidewall, I start to here the the sound of running feet, and a faint screaming sound. Niall turns to me grabbing my hand, I flinch and try to pull my hand away. "run." he says, then he takes off pulling me with him. The rest of them run with us, and the sound of feet and screaming got louder. I look over my shoulder to see a bunch of girls running after us. I try to pick up my pace, but my stiches start to hurt. The little tears I have left come up, the pain starts to become over whelming. I trip over a crack in the sidewalk, and go falling onto the concrete. I let out a wail of pain, as I feel a few of the stiches tare.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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