Chapter Fourteen

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The crickets chirped in the grass and the stars twinkled in the night sky. The moon's light spilled between the curtains of Adeline Hart's room. She slept soundly and was snuggled into her bed, dreaming of fighting against monsters with Sam and Dean.

While she was dreaming, her window slowly creaked open. A gust of wind hit Adeline causing her to shiver so she clutched her blanket tighter. The intruder finally made it through and tiptoed towards the sleeping angel. He felt his heart began to race as he stared down at her. She looks so beautiful, he thought. He brought his hand up and fixed a stray hair on her face. The intruder felt at peace just looking at her, but he pushed back his thoughts and remembered why he came there.

He then began to rummage through her things. He looked at her books, clothing, and jewelry. Back on the bed, Adeline shifted and turned around. He stopped what he was doing and stayed still. When he looked back, he saw that her arm was hanging off the bed and more hair was covering her face. He smiled in content and continued with what he was doing.

When he was done, he stood in the middle of the room to look at his master piece. He looked around the room and decided that one thing was missing, a message. He walked towards her vanity mirror and picked up a red lipstick writing, mine. The letters were big and almost covered her mirror completely. He took a step back and felt satisfied at his creation. Once the sleeping girl woke up, she was in for a surprise.

Before he left, he placed a kiss on her forehead then fixed her hair once more. The intruder made it back to the window and then, he was gone.

Hours later, the birds were chirping and the sun rays shined through Adeline's curtains. A bird flew into her room and landed on her face. The bird chirped right into her ear causing her to wake up.

"Pretty bird," she groggily said and pulled the covers over her head. The bird flew to her vanity and stood on top of it.

"Wait, bird?" Adeline whispered and shot up from her bed. She rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes and looked at her room. If she was eating something, then she would have definitely choked.

Tears began to cloud her vision as she covered her mouth in shock. Someone had come into her room and completely transformed it. Her eyes darted across the room, taking in the mess. Hot tears began to trickle down her face as she hid under her blankets once more. Then, a knock at door caused her to shake and stay still.

"Addy, are you awa-" the door slammed open and curse words could be heard from William Hart. "Oh, my God. Adeline, where are you?!"

Adeline threw the blanket off of her and ran to her dad. She wrapped her arms around him and began to cry silently. She had never felt more violated. A stranger managed to get into her room and do all those awful things. She didn't feel safe anymore.

William took his daughter down stairs and told her to eat while he made some calls. She didn't feel like eating and only pushed the food around. A few minutes later, Elliana bursted through the door with a wild look in her eyes.

"Where's Adeline?!" She exclaimed. Once she saw her in the kitchen, she ran to her and engulfed her in a warm hug. She whispered reassuring and loving things into Adeline's ear while she cried again. "Sweet Pea and the others are on their way." Elliana whispered.

"So are the cops." William said after. He looked at Elliana and Adeline,"I promise we will find the bastard who did this and make him pay." He kissed his daughter's forehead and gripped her tight.

Down the street, you could hear the sirens of the cop cars coming. They parked in front of the house and walked up to the porch. William, Elliana, and Adeline walked out and saw Sheriff Keller with other deputies.

Sheriff Keller saw the state that Adeline was in and began to sympathize the girl. Her eyes and nose were red, her lips were chapped, and her hair was a mess.

"Adeline," Sheriff Keller said softly,"Do you mind if we go up to your room? We can do the questions later." She said nothing but nodded.
The sheriff nodded his head and motioned to his deputies to follow him and Will up the stairs.

As they went up the stairs, a truck pulled up holding Sweet Pea and Jughead in the front, and Toni and Fangs in the back. Sweet Pea was the first to jump out of the car and run towards his angel. He tightly wrapped her up in his arms and stroked her hair lovingly.

"I'm here, I'm here." He whispered to her. He kept her in his arms for a little while longer before letting go. He saw her eyes shining with fresh tears and felt his heart break. Toni was the first to hug her after then Fangs, then Jughead.

"Addy, we promise you that we will not rest until we find whoever did this." Jughead said in a low voice. The others agreed with him. No one messes with their family.

"Did you eat yet?" Sweet Pea asked her softly. Adeline shook her head no.

"I can't eat." She said with her voice cracking.

Sweet Pea put his hands on her face and looked her in the eyes,"Angel, you gotta eat. You'll starve." He didn't take no for an answer and dragged her back into the kitchen. He then grabbed her plate of untouched food and helped her eat. Once she started eating, he left her and went back to the small group.

"Guys," he looked at them,"We are going to find the son of a bitch and I am going to torture the hell outta him for doing this to my girl."

《   》
sorry not updating for a long time ! also there are plenty mistakes so I apologize.

anddddd I read your comments and I flipping love them !

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