Back for Good?

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Me, Dally, and Two-bit walked into merill's. As soon as I saw everyone I had flashbacks. I had a straight face until I saw my middle school best friend. Peyton Carter. She noticed that I was staring at her and looked really confused. I couldn't hear what she was saying over the music that was blasting but I saw her lips move. "Mathilda?" she mouthed. I nodded eagerly as she ran over and gave me a huge hug. We were spinning around and laughing like we've known each other for years. Well, when you think of it, we have. We let go of each other and smiled. "Good Lord Mathilda you look so good! When did you dye your hair?" Dally heard this and whipped his head around and looked so lost. "That ain't natural?" I laughed. "It's a conditioner, you run it through your hair and it makes your hair platinum blonde, but it comes out when you wash your hair." Dal looked confused but smiled again. Peyton  looked at me and told me; "Let's go dance!" I pranced behind her into the center of the floor. Dally and Two-bit were quickly to follow. We stopped for a second and I looked around me. People were dancing, laughing, and of course; drinking. The flashing lights made it seem like I was in a dream. I was back at home. Tulsa Oklahoma; The place I was born. I was so happy I wanted to cry. I was broken out of my high by Peyton yanking me out of my place. I don't even know what she said. We had each other by the hands and were swinging around. All Of the background was a blur. All I could see was My best friends smiling face and the flashing lights. All I could hear was Her laughing and the music blasting. All I could feel was the floor pounding and peyton's sweaty hands in mine. But I didn't mind that. After a few moments of dancing and Laughing with Pey; I felt Dally's hands wrap around my hips. I smiled. "Want a drink?" Dally asked. I was kinda shook for a second. "No I don't drink , my old man would whoop my tail." Dally looked at me sarcastically but kind of confused. "But Mathilda, tonight's not about your old man; it's about us , your back in Tulsa! The place you were born! Come on girl, just one" Dally convinced. I was still going to say no. "No Dal. I can't."  He took a deep, long breath. "Alllllright you little Goody two-shoes" I turned around and slapped him in the arm. He stopped moving for a minute. Now I was scared. "No one hits Dallas Winston was ringing in my head." He turned around and looked me dead in the face. I started breathing really heavy. "Uh oh." I said to myself. The person that I caught feelings for was about to bash my head in. He walked three steps toward me and stared into my soul. I didn't want to laugh because that would make the beating that I was about to receive 10 times worse. Dally was getting closer I was shaking and felt like I was going to pass out. He grabbed my forearm and my eyes clenched closed. My heart was pounding as I felt his lips on mine. My heart nearly stopped and I couldn't hear, see, or feel anything else in this world except Dallas Winston's lips wrapped up with mine.

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