Chapter 9 "The Undefeated"

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Chapter 9 "The Undefeated"


Herico had shown his presence at the pool area. Kelantan, Varys and Daniel were barely standing on their feet. Kat was the only one with magic left and was not injured. Herico and she had gotten into a magic battle and her comrades could only watch. Zen, on the other hand, had gotten up on his two feet and he was still standing. Sir X really liked how this battle was going. Lucifer threw a giant hell flame ball and Zen had absorbed it. Lucifer was surprised and could not understand why Zen could eat the flames. Zen had a smile on his face.

(Sir X’s POV)

I figured that he drained his own magic so that he would have more space to take in the fire that Lucifer gave. He was very smart and I thought he would make a good successor for me. Lucifer was lost for words and he could not understand how this was happening but he decided not to care. He made more balls of flames and threw them directly at Zen. Zen kept on absorbing and walking forward. He took something from his right pocket and held it tight in his hand. I could not see what it was. He ran straight and punched Lucifer’s chest right in the area. Lucifer laughed at Zen’s weak punch. Zen’s hand started to burn in flames and his hand pierced through the skin of Lucifer. Lucifer screamed in pain. Zen ripped out his heart. Lucifer was on his knees holding his chest feeling great pain. Zen had a silver cross in his hand. It had a silver chain. If a demon ever touched a cross then they would automatically get hurt or, worse comes to worst, die. It was the reason the hell core was created, so priests could not harm us. Zen then put that cross on the head of Lucifer. Lucifer screamed in agony as it melted his skin. Zen had thrown the heart away and he was focusing on the brain. It was very interesting to know how such a young boy would be doing this to the very first King of Devils. He could not move as blood was pouring out of his skull. He could not take the horrid pain. He had enough energy to push Zen back. It was a mighty push as Zen was went flying a couple of meters away. Zen got up and put that silver cross in his right pocket. He asked Lucifer why he was messing with his family. Lucifer said he had a dream that he would defeat God and he wanted an army. He wanted to destroy demon guilds and destroy me. He then would be ready to challenge the strongest being in the world. I thought that was a crazy dream to actually defeat a God even though he lost to me. Zen did not take it well as those flames blazed brightly around his body. It seemed like Lucifer was going to die but he had gotten up too. He was in a lot of pain as blood trickled from his chest and forehead. His body completely transformed into a full-blooded demon. He was a giant red hell hound. This was the most powerful magic Lucifer had. Lucifer roared fire from his mouth. Zen ran through those flames and used his own flames to burn the beast. It screamed in pain. Zen was on its head. But Lucifer shook him off and managed to trap him into his mouth. Zen was not going to give up as he started to burn the tongue of the beast. It spat Zen out as it coughed. Zen took this chance to lift his right leg up. He concentrated all his power onto that right leg of his. He jumped up in the air and kicked the hound on the head. I swear I could see an actual fire dragon in that attack. The hound fell to the ground head first. The ground floor broke and Lucifer fell through the space time in Tartarus. Zen had grabbed onto the edge of the floor. He got up on his own and he rested on the floor. I was very happy that Zen had beaten my rival. It was good to know there was a strong demon that lived in this world. I walked towards him and put my hand on his left shoulder and told him he fought well and bravely. He shrugged me off and requested that I send him back. I never met anyone who had disrespected me this much. I always treated people with respect everywhere I was. I actually liked the boy. So I was going to open the portal. Suddenly I saw a black angel and it was Draven. Draven carried Lucifer in his hands. Draven dropped him onto the ground. Draven had six black angel wings and he had very pale skin. His ears were sharp and long and those red eyes gazed on me.

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