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Dear Derry, I'm sorry that I started calling you Derry again. I just thought it was appropriate since we're moving back. Yup, we're moving back to Derry. I'm kinda happy though, I had kinda built a bad reputation in Oklahoma... The only reasons I'm happy to be coming to this hell hole of a town is my twin, and well, I get anpther chance to start over again. I haven't seen her in 8 months. The last time I saw her was when these people came to my house in Oklahoma, and took her away... now that my mom fought for custody and won, thank god, we're moving back. Your probably wondering what happened to my 'dad' , well he went to jail, he's spending around... 27 years in there for trying to rape women, his daughters and for abusing Beverly and I when we were younger. Plus him getting drunk while he was supposed to be caring for his child. He wasn't like that before me and my mom left him 5 years ago, so I do kinda blame my mom for some stuff that happened to Beverly. Anyways, hopping off that depressing subject, I get to see the most amazing person ever, Beverly. I know, I talk about her too much , but it's true, I love her with all my soul and I think its because were both so different, were the perfect sisters. Ok I'm going to sign off here, thanks for letting me spill my thoughts in here.

Yours truly, K.M

I sigh and shut my diary, we were still on the road and I kept annoying and whining to my mom about how long this trip was.

"Mommy, how much longer till we het there?" I whined, she smiled and looked at me for a split second then turned her head towards the road again.

"Around, 10 more minutes." she replied, I sighed and nodded, I took out my diary and start reading from page 1, 1987, July 1st, Friday, (I just thought of a random date) wow, my handwriting was really bad.

I laughed at my horrible handwriting.

I kept reading until I was on page 7 as the car stopped in a halt.

"We're home!" My mom said, happily.

I got out of the car as slow as possible and took a look at the old house, it was bigger than the one we had in oklahoma.

"And B-beverly is a-already here?" I asked, stuttering, my mom nodded and smiled.

"Go on, I'll wait out here so you two can have your twin sister 'moment'." She says, waving me off and leaning on the car.

I slowly started to walk towards the house, diary in hand.

When I finally all the way up the steps, I hesitated but slowly knocked.

I knocked three times, I heard shuffling from the other side of the door, it opened to reveal...My twin.

We may be twins but we look nothing alike, she's a redhead, I'm a Brunette, she taller by a couple of inches but enough inches to make me feel short.

She's always been an extrovert who's not afraid of anything or anyone.

While I've always been intreverted, yet not afraid of anything. We both have the same shade of blue eyes, probably the only thing we have alike.shes pale, and I'm kinda tan.

She has... you get the idea! Shes a female version of my 'dad', while im a version of my mom.

Anywho, We collided into each others arms, me dropping my diary in the process.

I started sobbing into the hug, and she did the same.

"I missed you so much!" We're the only words I could get out.

"I know, I would have missed me toom" she said, in a joking manner.

I chuckled and pulled away. "No bit really,I really missed you." she said, smiling.

I wiped the tears off of my face and laughed.

"Im going to go get my stuff, so you and mom have your moment" I said, she chuckles and nodded.

Once I got ahold of my diary, I turned around and headed outside, I nodded to my mom and walked to the trunk to get some of the boxes down.

To the looks of it, the moving truck had come by already.

\~\~\<3. NEXT DAY

"Kimberly, Kimberly!" I heard someone yell, my eyes fluttered open and I was met with a blazing blue pare. I quickly recognized them.

"what do you want bev?" I said squirming.

"Get up... um something happened, I told mom and she told me to make you go with me so, your going with me" she said, I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after that.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes,

"Come on, get dressed and hurry." She smiled, I sigh for the 100th time that morning.

"Bev, what happend?" I said, she blushed in embarrassment.

"Um, woman hood." She said and awkwardly chuckled, I chuckle and nodded.

"Fine, damnit! That means I'll be getting mine soon! Goddamn you Beverly." I said, groaning, I got up and she smiled and broke into a fit of laughter.

"So then we can buys some thing for you too." She says, I nodddd and she left my room.

'Goddamn it! I can't be a woman yet!' I thought to my self.

I got up and went to my closet, I picked out a a red flannel with some shorts, a belt and a black tee, I decide to put my hair in a side braid. (Picture on top)

When I finished I looked in the mirror, I look slightly presentable but I don't care.

I walked out of my room and went into the bathroom and did my morning routine.

As soon as I finished i went downstairs and see Beverly waiting for me.

"Good morning Kimberly!" my mom greeted from the kitchen.

"That is a lie." I said, putting my converse on, she chuckled.

"Ok mom, were leaving, bye! Good luck with the jobs!" Beverly yelled, before shutting the door.

"Come on. Welcome home kimberly" she said, walking down the steps, me following behind. "Here we go... again" I mumbled to myself.


Hi, yea , first chapters are always awkward, that's it! Peaceeee!

So this is 2019 me editing this, looking back I was so fucking cringy. I had to edit every fucking world of this damn chapter. Ugh, I'm tired, it's 3 am. Good night world.

Sincerely, Your weird author A.J (yes im a female)

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