Sapphire Marie Gilinsky

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Well she is finally here..Yay!!!

Sapphire Marie Gilinsky was born August 1st at 6:56am.She was 5lbs and 10oz❤

She was born 7 days early.Thats a good but bad thing.Sapphire has suvier breathing problems.For now she is okay but when she gets older she wont beable to keep up with all the other kids in gym class or any phyical activty.

Sapphire will have to use an inhaler before and after she runs,jogs,or anything active.It hurts that she won't be able to live like other kids.I love her and i will do anything to make her life as normal as pssible.(:


Whats up you guys!?
haha any way just a btw i am going to (in the next chapter)skip to when Sapphire is like 4 or 5 just because the first 2-3 years of a babys life is kinda boring to write about sooooooo we are going to skip to the fun part to write about!!!YAY!! 

Thanks for reading this chapter!!!

love ya

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