S2: Last day of Training(Collab with flamebaron20)

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(A/N: If any of you are confused as to where we are in terms of Kai's training, read chapter 28 of the rider of fairy tail)


Kai's POV

(Time 1:40pm)

It's 1:40 in the afternoon, on a Sunday. Usually these are the type of days where no one wants to do anything. For some people, that true; for others, that's everyday; but for me(at least today), it's just another day of work.

Technically speaking, Lucas and Barbara did give me the day of today. Since tomorrow is the Sports Festival, Barbara told me to relax for the day. Lucas didn't like that at first, but after a small argument between the 2, he agreed to it. Those 2 seem to have gotten pretty close. In the beginning, Barbara pretty much couldn't stand him when he started flirting. But nowadays, she pretty much just smiles. How is it that they become so close in 2 weeks. I mean if I didn't know any better, I'd say that-

Kai: "Oh. My god."

Sol: "Really? You're just NOW realizing it?"

Kai: "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't have enough time to pay attention with all the circling within a volcano, falling off a plane, and battling a GIANT DEMON TRICERATOPS FROM HELL!!! OF COURSE I DIDN'T REALIZE IT UNTIL NOW!"

Sol: "Excuses, excuses."

Kai: "Oh go to hell."

Sol: "Been there, done that."

Kai: "*Groan*"

But going back to my previous topic, they both allowed me to take a break. But I'm not really doing that. Right now, I'm in the middle of a forest, trying to test my new abilities. Or at least try to do it without burning the whole forest. When I tried making a miniature hellfire cyclone from my hand, I burned down a 5 meter section of trees. I'm still not used to all this new strength that I've gotten from training, so I'm trying to figure out how to lessen it.

Kai: "I've got to decrease the amount of strength I put into my attacks."

Sol: "Why don't you try meditating? It clears the mind, and helps put people at ease."

Kai: "Eh, why not."

I sit down, crisscross my legs, close my eyes, and breathe. As I breathe slowly, I feel everything start to become a bit numb. Everything around me also fades, and my mind starts to clear. But then I felt a sharp pain enter my head.


Sol: "Kid! What's up?!"

Kai: "I... don't... know..."


Suddenly, the pain stops, and I end up being in front of a Japanese style house.

Kai: "What the... what is this?"

????: "Mommy! Daddy! Aren't you excited? We're gonna see my cousins, Auntie, Uncle!"

I turn to look around and can hardly believe who it was that was behind me.
My parents. And me, as a kid(A/N: He's 4)

But why are my parents here? This doesn't feel like the same dream, or nightmare.

Mom: "*giggle* Of course we're excited, sweetie."

Dad: "But no one can be more excited than you, hothead."

As I kept listening to them, I wondered if this was Sol's doing or something. So I decided to ask.

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