Welcome to Jorvik

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"Em, are you ready to go?" Emily's mom calls to her. She was going overseas to a nice summer camp and boarding school. Emily would be staying in Firgrove village for camp, and Silverglade village for school.

"Yeah mom, just a sec, getting dressed" she yells back. It was exciting, but she was nervous to be moving overseas, away from her family. Someone named Ruthie Discodragon would be showing her around.

Emily jogs down the stairs, bag in hand, and ready to fly over to the island of Jorvik.

Her family wishes her well, and then she's off. A taxi picks her up and drops her off at New York Airport.

A long flight later, and she arrives in Norway, before she gets on a ship that will take her to Jorvik.

Two days after her initial departing, she arrives on the shores of Fort Pinta. As she climbs the stairs up to the fort, she smells a very strong odor. Once she reaches the top, Emily realizes what it was; horse. Apparently, her mother had forgotten to mention that horses were Jorviks main method of transport. She walks around the fort, asking where she could find Ruthie... or was it Renee? She couldn't remember, but it didn't matter. A purple haired girl called her over to a small horse wagon. The violet haired girl sticks out her hand, announcing rather loudly that she is Ruthie Discodragon, the best tour guide around... well, the only one around, but that's besides the point. Ruthie holds out her hand for Emily to grasp as she climbs onto the wagon.

"Uh, thanks? Sorry, I just didn't expect it to be... well, horses." Emily stutters a bit.

Ruthie chuckles, "City girl? Eh, I guess it is a bit different. I'll take you to Moorland first, so you can get adjusted properly. Trot on, piglet. Oh, and this horse here is Pig-Pie, he's my Jorvik Warmblood. Everyone who stays on Jorvik is gifted one by the Baroness. I've had Piglet since he was a foal. We grew up together. Once we get to Moorland, Justin will give you a horse on lease, and that'll be your way of getting around.".

It was silent for the first portion of the ride. At a fork in the road, one leading to Silverglade and another to Moorland stables, Ruthie started talking again. "Ya know, the legends here say that every girl has a very special bond with her horse. I don't think I believe them, but hey, the druids-"

Emily cuts her off, "Druids? What do you- What?".

"As I was saying, the Druids, some call them the 'Keepers of Aideen', believe in-"

Emily interrupts again, "What is Aideen?".

"Aideen is the goddess that brought life to Jorvik. Before she came, it was just a barren rock. The legend says she trapped an evil force of magic beneath Jorvik, and sealed it with her own life giving magic. Legend also says that when the evil force, we call it Garnok, regains power, that four girls will come together with their horses, as Soul Riders, to defeat it. Some believe a fifth girl, supposedly the reincarnation of Aideen, will also come at our time of greatest need."

"Oh... that's... actually really interesting. Is there any chance there's a place I could learn more about it?" Emily looks to Ruthie inquisitively.

"Actually it's included in the history classes here. If you want to learn more on our mythology, there's a nice library at Silverglade Manor. But you'll have to get special permission from the Baroness before you're allowed to enter."

"Oh. That's pretty cool. How could I get permission?"

"I'd say talk to Linda Chanda, she's pretty good with the Baroness. Or Anastasia Wisewood. She's pretty good at talking her way into places."

"Okay, thanks. What were you saying earlier, before I cut you off? Also sorry about that... I let my thoughts run too fast sometimes."

"Oh, um. You'll learn about it all soon enough. Pandoria and magic and all. Hey, do you know how to take care of a horse?"

"Uh, ok then. And no, not really. Why?"

"Well you will be given a horse to get around Jorvik. You'll have to learn to ride and take care of it. Justin will teach you care, Maya will teach you basic stable chores, and Jenna will teach you the basics of riding. There are the stables now! Just at the end of this path. I'll drop you off by Justin's courtyard, but I'll be waiting nearby for you."

"Okay. That sounds good. Will you show me around Jorvik? I really don't want to get lost."

"Of course! Just find me after you're done with Jenna and I'll show you around Silverglade."

"Okay". Pig Pie comes to a halt just outside of a courtyard where a young man is waiting.

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