December 13, 2018

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Dear Readers, back...finally my god

Hey im sorry i haven't been updating like normal, my life is just been...unexplainable mess. Nothing bad really happened, but its just so much going on with finals at school coming up and other bullshit crap at work I have to deal with.  If you want like a small update i could try and summarize my past 12 days since my last update. Well doing pretty good, just a small things, except some shit I had to help my boyfriend go through luckily he made it to the end not matter how much he hated it. He always tells me how lucky he his to have me with him through everything even if he doesn't think I should be there, when in reality im lucky to have found him because if you have read my picture book update, I been through some shitty relationships, and I found the right and only one for me. Also I have a cubbo and she is going through some shit because people are a piece of shit. Sorry furry at heart not really human. Im her big mama bear and she just needs some support rn. I hate to see my cubs struggle, and i have one on the way in 7 months, its just like man we need to figure this shit out. I also want to say thank you for all your support. I also just took the ACT......fucking failed that shit. Well at least just math, I may love math and spanish but the two should not go together. I won't know my score till like January, but colleges have been hitting up my line wanting me to join...damn I didn't think they would think i was academically smart. welp thats it for my long ass update for my past 12 days. 

Love you and see you later


Brianna "Nikki" Dishman 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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