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James and Aidan Potter were tensely walking down the pathway of Diagon Alley, Lily Potter next to them sprouting on and on about all the events they still have to attend before school starts up. James personally had the look of complete dread and annoyance as he silently pulled on locks of his hair from his position behind Lily. While Aidan on the other hand, wasn't being as discreet. Aidan  was making quite exaggerated mimics towards what she was saying, and how her hands were flailing about. If Lily moved one hand to suggest something, then right behind her Aidan did the same, with a hip jut out as fart as he could get it, and his chest pressed forward. Needless to say James was also on the verge of laughing his ass off.

The father, son duo was seemingly saved how ever, when Lily had spotted one of her old friends, Alice Longbottom in a nearby shop, and told the two she would be back in a couple hours. As she was out of eyesight, both James and Aidan let out breaths they didn't even know they were holding. "How 'bout we head over to the Quidditch shop Prongslet?"

Draco Malfoy was pacing throughout his family's ancestral tree room, trying to adjust to the newly found information. His mother, Narcissa Malfoy had taken a seat at a small table in the corner, a worried look adapted onto her face, while Lucius Malfoy stood infront of the wall with a calculated look.

"How can this be? He's dead!" Draco asked, a look of complete dismay washed through his features. "Well obviously he's not!" Lucius snapped turning around to his only son, tired of his constant pressing. "What do you mean 'obviously he's not'?!" Draco almost shouted back, before regaining his composure, a look of hope flickering throughout his eyes.  "You see this?" Lucius pointed towards his own father's picture, Abraxas Malfoy, which seemed to be a darker gray then his own, "when a member of the family dies, their picture darkens in shades. Harry's here, is a light gray. Meaning he is still alive." That is when Draco Malfoy passed out thank  you very much.

It was later on that evening that the Malfoy family managed to find James and Aidan in the Quidditch shop, talking about a subject that the family couldn't quite place until Aidan had pipped up about a certain someone. "Maybe we should get one for Siri!" Narcissa had taken this at her time to intervene and get the other males attention, "Good luck with that, my cousin hasn't been in contact with anyone since that day." She saw James and Aidan visibly tense up at the mention of the day their son 'died' she could only assume that they were still sadden by it. Which managed to pull at her heart strings.

Lucius had stepped up, putting one of his arms around his wife's waist, apparently not in the mood for small chat. "Lord Potter," "Lord Malfoy." the two lords greeted each other politely. Ever since they found a mutual dislike towards the obnoxious Weasley family, except for Fred and George as everyone liked them, the two have gotten along just fine.

Draco and Aidan had actually always been sort of friends, of course they weren't all buddy buddy witch each other, often teasing each other or calling the other names, but they were always in a friendly matter. The two actually were known to have a 'rivalry' as the other kids called it, even though the two knew that it was just them being competitive. "Heir Potter," "Heir Malfoy." both said in mocking voices, and both receiving bops on the back of their heads.

Lucius turned his attention from his son, back to James, remembering why the family was seeking out the other. "James we have found proof that the youngest Potter is still in fact alive."

Sorry, that these last two chapters(and a couple of the future ones) are going to be a bit short. They are the pilot chapters so can you blame me all to much? Anyways I hope you enjoy the story. And if it isn't clear, Draco is 13(because his birthday is June 5th), and Aidan and Harry are both 12, in a week it will be their birthday. They will be starting their 3rd year of Hogwarts in this book.

Also in this Draco is Harry's mate, and if your mate is younger then you, you will not be able to find your mate on either your family tree or a blood test until at least a week before their 13th birthday. So that's why It's been like almost 2 months till Draco found out.

And If you wanted to know, I forgot I name Aidan, well Aidan. So when I originally wrote this chapter I called him Charlus- until I remembered the name Aidan and doubted myself and went to check the last chapter. Good thing I caught it before posting this though xD

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