Chapter 4

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I didn't sleep at all last night. I've just been looking out the window, thinking of how the world has changed. From kingdoms and castles, to these small houses that aren't surrounded by walls. Even this building I'm in, is completely in the open. The only time I moved was when I looked for something to eat. My hunger finally caught up with me last night, so I searched the room for something to eat. I ended up finding a bag of these hard, sliced potatoes that had a pretty good taste to them. They were not too filling unfortunately. I hear the door opening and saw Rias come through, along with the lady with black hair with a yellow ribbon in it.

Rias: Oh, hey Y/N. Your already awake

Y/N: I haven't been to sleep yet.

Rias: Aren't you tired?

Y/N: I've been asleep for hundreds of years ma'am. I think I've had my fill.

Rias: I.... guess that makes sense. Anyways, this is Akeno.

She looks towards the girl with black hair.

Y/N: Pleasure to meet you, Akeno.

Akeno: Nice to meet you as well.

She has a very beautiful smile.

Rias: Now, Y/N, in case you haven't figured it out yet, this is a school. It where people learn about lots of stuff.
So students will be rolling in soon, and I ask that you stay in this room so you don't get noticed yet. Maybe I could pull a few strings to get you enrolled. Is that okay with you?

Y/N: Yes, it's fine. It may even help me learn a bit more about this new world.

Rias: Yes it would. Now, are you hungry? You haven't eaten anything since you woke up.

Y/N: Actually, I did eat these crunchy potatoe slices that I found in a bag. But I am still pretty hungry.

Rias: Ah, you found some of Konekos chips. I'm sure she won't mind, she has sweets laying all over the place. Akeno, mind making us some tea?

Akeno: No problem

Akeno heads off to another room.

Rias: The others should be here soon. Kiba, is the boy with blond hair. He uses swords, so you and him have that in common. The other is Koneko, she is the small girl with white hair. She may seem cold and emotionless sometimes, but she is still nice.

Y/N: I should apologize for eating her food without permission.

Rias: Don't worry about it. I'm sure she won't mind.

Then the door opened, and both Koneko and Kiba enter the room.

Rias: Hello

Y/N: Hey Kiba, And hello Koneko

Kiba: Hey Y/N

Koneko: Hey

Y/N: Koneko, I unknowingly ate some of your food last night when I got hungry. Rias referred to them as chips.

Koneko: It's ok

Rias: See, just like I told you.

Akeno came back out with a tray that had a few cups on it. The cups were smoking a big, so I could see that the drink must be hot. She handed a cup to everyone, including me.

Y/N: Thank you Akeno.

Akeno: Your welcome Y/N.

I took a small sip, and was really hot. I quickly moved it away from my mouth when I felt the heat.

The Holy Knight (Crusader knight reader x Highschool Dxd)Where stories live. Discover now