Chapter 3

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The fallen angels brought me to an old church. The world sure has changed. Things look a lot different now. Kalawarner sat me down on one of the benches, and I kicked my legs around a bit, trying to get them to wake up. But I did have some questions to ask.

Y/N: Is it safe here?

Raynare: Yes

Y/N: Alright, good, because I have some questions that I need answered.

Raynare: Go ahead, ask them

Y/N: What are your intentions with me? Back in the wars, we were enemies. I was even killed by a fallen angel. What changed?

Raynare: Our intentions were just to revive you, and to have you as an ally. God has asked us to fight the devils, and we need your help.

Y/N: You guys are allied with the angels?

Mittelt has a strange look on her face, and Kalawarner glances over to Raynare.

Raynare: Yes, after the wars, God has asked the fallen angels to join him again.

Y/N: Huh, I never thought I'd see the day where there was peace between two factions. It makes me happy, knowing that there is still hope. Maybe we could convince the devils as well.

Raynare: O-oh, umm, don't do that!

I look at her, confused

Raynare: I mean, there is no hope for them. We have tried many times, b-but they keep on fighting

She said that pretty fast.

Y/N: Right, I guess I have no reason not to believe you. So what now?

Raynare: Well now, I think you should take it easy for a bit. Spend the night getting used to your body again. We may have a mission ready in the morning.

Y/M: Alright, well if you would excuse me, I would like to go spend some time by myself.

Raynare: Take all the time you need. Mittelt, keep watch outside.

Mittelt heads to the door. I slowly stand up, and manage to stay on my two feet. I take a few steps forward. This may take a while to get used to again. My legs start to hurt again, so I take another seat. Then I see mittelt come in through the door again.

Mittelt: Raynare, we got visitors

Raynare: Who is it?

Mittelt: The gremory, looking for her evil peice.

Raynare: Damn it...

Y/N: Evil peice?

Raynare: I'll tell you later. Kalawarner, give Y/N his sword.

I take my sword from her and fix my helmet a bit. The I stand up, and take a few steps to Raynare. I think I'm getting the hang of it again.

Raynare: Y/N, the devils are here, and they will try to take you from us. I need you to fights back if they get to close.

I nod, and hold my sword in a battle stance.

Y/N: Understood

Then I see the door get kicked down. A small, petite white haired girl was standing outside it. I could already sense that she was a devil. She lowers her leg, and there are a few more people behind her. There was a blonde male, who I also presume is a devil. There was also a lady with black hair, with a yellow tie in it. And behind then a girl with crimson hair steps forward.

The Holy Knight (Crusader knight reader x Highschool Dxd)Where stories live. Discover now