Mystery Necklace (cont.)

Start from the beginning

I looked at her grasping my necklace tightly in the palm of my hand , I knew this was a dream but yet it felt to real  and much to overwhelming for me

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I looked at her grasping my necklace tightly in the palm of my hand , I knew this was a dream but yet it felt to real  and much to overwhelming for me . I looked around  for Ishizu but she was already half way up the palace steps so I ran behind her attempting to keep up but boy was she fast . My stomach was turning  as we approached the grand golden gates; I had no idea what I was to expect behind those gates , but nonetheless I kept following behind Ishizu the grand gates opened and I glanced to what was around me it was absolutely gorgeous gold took over the walls , pillars at every corner and the occasional royal servants running amuck they seemed to be preparing a grand banquet and a very important one to.

One servant in particular was a young girl with brown hair , she resembled a card I was very familiar with the dark magician girl , she seemed anxious and was running straight at me carrying a basket of fruit atop her head, I tried to move aside but it was almost to late, she was inches from me I took cover but she went right through me and I didn't even feel her touch me .

One servant in particular was a young girl with brown hair , she resembled a card I was very familiar with the dark magician girl , she seemed anxious and was running straight at me carrying a basket of fruit atop her head, I tried to move aside b...

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I looked at Ishizu still very confused as to what on earth is going on , seeing my confusion and sensing my distress she spoke and told me we were not meant to be seen , and that this was to show me the before story , being played out in front of me . I was so frightened  and I overreacted like I often did when I freak out "Am I dead?!" "did I die in my sleep!?"

Ishizu rolled her eyes at me, and with a roar of her voice she yelled "Shut up girl! this is no time to freak out, just watch" I shut my voice as she pointed me to the stairwell, the pharaoh he was coming down and supervising everything a very shady looking priest at his side "that must be the priest from the story" I thought to myself , 

The pharaoh he was even more handsome  up close so unbelievably handsome ; he really looked like a fairytale prince , I was star struck by him I felt as if my heart had been pierced by cupid himself , but it was such a beautiful feeling I just could not stop staring at him. It wasn't long before I saw his face fully , his features were outstanding and so regal , I saw his head turn in  my direction and for a moment I had forgotten that I was practically invisible , but for some reason I felt as if he knew I was here but couldn't see me . A moment passed and he faced the servant girl, he was making sure she was doing her job and his priest soon spoke "My Pharaoh you seemed as if you felt something here a moment ago ." I heard his words and froze as the pharaoh spoke in reply to his priest " I just thought someone was their , it must have been in my head" his voice was so deep that he seemed as if he could frighten anyone who disrespected him with his powerful voice.

I continued glancing at the pharaoh  , it felt entrancing he was captivating  I was so drawn to him that I wished he could see me, his lavender eyes were stunning he could pierce through anyone with one glance. I wanted to touch him and feel him but I knew all to well that it was highly impossible I was nothing but a ghost in this dream world of mine.

The last thing I heard my dream prince say was "Mana make sure this banquet is perfect not a flaw you are my bestfriend and I trust you would make her visit outstanding, the goal s to impress her after all it is her first time here"

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The last thing I heard my dream prince say was "Mana make sure this banquet is perfect not a flaw you are my bestfriend and I trust you would make her visit outstanding, the goal s to impress her after all it is her first time here". His voice was perfect I longed to hear more of him .

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