Chp1- Rainy Encounters

Start from the beginning

"You can walk fine now, right?"

Logan nodded.

"Okay, now we have to go check in"

Marshal said, taking the albinos hand. He was lead to the front desk,

"Hi, I'm checking in for the day. This is Logan, he'll be staying with me for a while."

Marshal smiled at the receptionist.

"You do know our rules regarding guests, right Mr. Dedito? He may not stay longer than a month before we begin to charge you."

She spoke.

"I know I know. He should have a good place to stay by then."

Marshal smiled at Logan.

"Have a nice day Mr. Dedito."

The receptionist waved us off, and went back to her work.

"Why do you need to check into your apartment?"

Logan asked.

" Well, when you leave the electronic door locks. So you check yourself in, they shut off the feature, so your room key will work."

He said holding up his key. It looked similar to a hotel key, where it was a card you swiped pass the scanner as Logan nodded.

"What did you mean when you said I'd be with you awhile?"

"Well, my plan is to keep you until I find you a good, permanent home-"

"Nonono, you really don't need to do that!"

Logan said pulling his hand away and backing away from Marshal.

"That would take forever, nobody wants me. Just... trust me on that one."

Logan said, averting eye contact.

"That's not true, I want you"

Marshal said sweetly.

Logan blushed.

"Wait, that sounded wrong. I'm sorry, I'll stop."

Marshal said with a small blush.

"N-no it's fine, you didn't mean it."

Logan said with a smile, and they began walking again, going up the elevator to the second floor. They walked down the hallway to room 104.

"This it it."

Marshal said with a flick of his card.

"Y'know, going back to my accidental joke, how old are you?"

Marshal asked.

"I'm twelve."

Logan spoke.

"Your twelve? Wow. Well, I mean? Ehh? You look so small, like a kid, but... you also look mature? Like a teen?"

Marshal stared in awe.

"Yeah, So? I'm twelve. End of story. But anyhow, how old are you?"


"Huh, why are you living alone then?"

Logan asked.

"Well, my dad was abusive. So I moved out as soon as I could."

Marshal smiled sheepishly.

Logan nodded.

"So, I guess you should wash up now. The bathroom's down the hall on the right, I'm gonna get started on dinner soon, does pasta sound good?"

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