I rolled my eyes at Jin's exhausting voice, "Guys let me call him. I'll get to the bottom of this."

"Ok Hyung, thank you," Namjoon spoke. He sounded really hurt, "you guys didn't have to push me."

I hung up the phone and hid my worry as I dialed Jungkook's number.

No answer. DAMNIT

Jungkook only doesn't answer me if he's upset.
But what is he upset about?

Yesterday, he called me and told me that the other members were bullying him. I thought he was just over-exaggerating.

Shit, what if he's right? What if he wasn't making up a story?

Oh, I really fucked up this time.

I huff and get back on the phone with the members.

It's time for them to get a wake up call.

// Jungkook's POV //

I sip on my pearl colored mug, and stare at the stars in the sky. It's currently 4am, and approximately three hours since I left Seoul.

To be honest, I haven't thought about work much. When I first got here, I was thinking I should just turn back. There isn't any going back though. I couldn't be in the same room as the others.

The light flinched in the dark, and I see my dad standing in the doorway of my old room.

"Jeongguk, as much as I have missed you, I think you need to go back to Seoul."

I gazed him as he walked toward me.

"Why appa? To have them harass me again?"

"They are stressed. People do regrettable things when they're overworked."

"I'm tired of this appa, the things I've had to do. I can't do it anymore. This industry is gonna kill me."

My dad put his arm around my shoulders:

"Son, this is want you were made to do. You were born to win; You went through very awful times."

He shook his head and I saw tears sparking his eyes, "When you fainted on the Wings tour, your mother and I were depressed. You were working too much, too hard. I begged you to come home and find another job, but you told me not to worry. That your members would take care of you and they did. These boys have raised you, they give you so much love and support. The people in your life right now, they're gonna stay."

I started crying as he spoke. The words were fluttering my mind like my brain was flying; He was right.

"I'm scared appa."

He looked straight at me, "Don't be afraid child. Take life day by day, don't look away from the dark just because you can't see. You have victory in your blood."

I smile and rest my head on his right shoulder as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

// Bang PD's POV //

I heard a knock on the tall door, I proclaimed:


And in walked six somber figures. The two youngest look down and were weeping soundly.

I ignore it, "Namjoon do you remember what I said to you when you became the leader?"

He didn't hesitate, "to watch over everyone."

"So why didn't you do that?"

"I-I don't know."

I shook my head, "what is wrong with you guys? I got a lost maknae and six psychopathic men who are acting like hormonal teenagers."

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