Chapter 10

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                 The magic swerved and wrapped itself around the soul. It ripped Darci's heart out of her chest, gold blood spilling onto the black floor. The monster laughed, the black tendril blocking the light that shined from the angel's heart. Darci choked on the blood welling up in her throat, she gagged and tried to save herself by using her paws to force the blood up and out of her airways. It was no use. No one, not even an angel, can survive having their soul torn from them.

                The creature absorbed the soul, it's shining gold soon clouded and infected by inky black. It didn't belong to Darci anymore. It was the beast's soul. Darci took a last gulp of air, and watched as her eyes closed forever, Radioactive and Deersoul running into the room. Then, darkness.

A/N The heart contains the soul inside of it, that's why the monster ate the heart too. There is no way to separate them.

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