12 - intimate

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Ember Harper's POV

Creaking open the heavy dark door, I peaked my head inside and took a sight of a familiar male sitting at the working desk.
With my head low, I heard as he invited me in and obeyed the simple order he gave me.

I felt extremely guilty, especially when I saw that he pushed himself up to his feet and started walking towards me.

"Look up, mi bella" he spoke softly as he finally stopped in front of me, his towering bulky figure making me feel even smaller than I already was.

Looking up hesitantly, I instantly took a notice of a way he looked. A stubbly face of his showed that he hasn't shaved in these two days, but also dark bags under his eyes showed me that he was exhausted.
He looked mentally and physically tired, which sent guilt hitting me right in the gut.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out, it coming out as barely audible. I was frightened of what was going to happen next, but yet I did not dare to look away from his stormy, chaotically beautiful eyes.

"I should be the one to say sorry, mi bella. I was the one who got out of control. I am a bad mate, a bad Alpha who treated his Luna like I shouldn't have.." he said lowly, taking two small steps closer to me as he wanted his body closer to mine.

It was most probably a bad moment to do so, but I looked down and noticed what he was wearing. Nothing but a pair of dark washed jeans and a plain white shirt covered his body, but yet he made it look so good. A fitted shirt was wrapped around his upper body was perfectly following every single muscle.

Forcing myself to look up, I met his eyes once again and could not look away.
"I was parted from what's mine" he added with a dark tone lacing his voice as he leaned in to sniff my neck.

Stiff as a board, I did not dare to move. Closing my eyes, I waited to see what was going to happen. While doing that, I took a whiff of his dominant scent.

He smelt like pine trees with a slight but affective linger of sandalwood that made me slightly shiver. He smelled, for the lack of a better explanation, a real man.

A sudden contact of his warm honey-like lips with my neck made me snap out of my little trance, making me jump and step back in pure surprise. I was now pressed against a book shelf which was loaded with all kinds of books that I was craving to read. But now, it was definitely not the time...

"Brutus!" I shrieked when I felt his hands wrap around my torso, making a strange kind of warmth to pulsate through my whole entire body. He grinned lightly and softly, no bad intentions mirroring in his expression. His face expression was actually soft, he was looking at me as if I was a toddler.

"What is it, mi bella?" with his voice sickeningly innocent, he called me by that nickname again. I did not know what it meant, but I was still enchanted by the way it rolled off his tongue.

Oh god, sometimes I wonder what kinds of things that tongue can do...

"This is inappropriate" i mumbled lowly as I desperately tried to push away the mass of muscles.
But as expected, he did not move and instead, he moved my hand from his rock solid chest and trapped it behind my back, along with my other hand.

I was screwed.

"Oh god, I love seeing you like this. Fully under my control." Whispering, he lowered his face down so it was even with mine. Not missing a chance to make a bone crushing eye contact, his lips have now loosened in their normal shape, making me focus on the deep pink shade that decorated his plump lips.
At this point, I could sense as his fresh breath fanned over my face, making me set into a state of panic.

Closing my eyes, I waited for the moment that I read about many times. That amazing first kiss, the one that made fireworks explode inside of you.
But, that did not happen since I felt his release my hands from pressure and step back.

Breathing out in relief, I proceeded to look down and fix my outfit.
And by outfit, I meant Brutus' plain black T-shirt that hung loosely on my body.

"Come here, mi bella. I want to get to know you better"

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