Dear [1]

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Dear best friend,

Your time for me will be lessened just because you already have a girlfriend. I will not demand it. I will support you anyway in your decision.

But, I was hurt. I was never used to this set up, like it takes 135891 years to reply to my message.

The worst part is, you never reply now.

I was hurt because you seemed to care less about me these days.

I was hurt because I missed the old us.

I understand the situation that your girlfriend is now your top priority, but don't leave me behind just like a toy.

Once you find a woman better than me, you will just throw me away. I have always loved you, but I chose to stay as your best friend because that way our relationship would be longer, but I was wrong.

You announced through chat that you are already taken. You don't have any idea how much it hurts my side. My theories were right. In the past few weeks, you haven't had any time for me because you were busy with someone else, and it's kind of broken my heart.

But what hurts me most is that it isn't my duty anymore to remind you to eat on time, always take care of yourself, and don't forget to brush your teeth. I won't be able to say I miss you or I love you anymore. We won't be able to chat nonstop just like before. And I'm going to miss this the hell out of it. I'm going to miss how we pissed each other off, the bullies and fights. I'm going to miss my best friend, always.

No matter what I do, my presence won't exist anymore. He's happy now, and I think that's better.

I wanted to be his perfect friend so that every time he had a problem, I would comfort him. Every time he is sad, I will do anything just to see his smile again. He's always had his girlfriend on his side, but that's going to be all for nothing because he had her to do that.

Everything starts to fall apart, and I think this is my cue to start avoiding him too.

Not because I feel useless, but because I don't want to feel hurt anymore.

There are lots of successful best friend relationships that turn into lovers, and I guess I am just in the wrong destiny.

I wish you both the best, Besx, Besh, and Beshywapsx.Be happy, please.Enjoy your lovelife. Despite this pain, I am still so proud of you. Keep it up.

best friend

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