⠀⠀Smile subsiding, Taehyung nodded and adjusted himself to where his elbow was propped out and hand was pressed against his temple. "Sorry," he apologized. "Go on then. I'm all ears."

⠀⠀"It's really embarrassing," Jungkook admitted, biting at the inside of his cheek. "You'll probably think I'm weird or something."

⠀⠀Taehyung frowned and quirked an eyebrow. "Why would I think that?" he asked. "Jungkook, whatever it is, I won't judge you. I promise."

⠀⠀Seeing the serious look on Taehyung's face and hearing his genuine words, Jungkook sighed before opening himself up to Taehyung. "Remember that guy I told you about? That one that hurt me in high school? That's who Chanyeol is."

⠀⠀Jungkook swallowed the developing lump in his throat before continuing, "I guess you could say I had a crush on him- a major crush. He was what you'd consider a high school heartthrob. Tall, handsome, charming, athletic, popular. He was perfect- in my eyes."

⠀⠀"We never talked much. Maybe exchanged a few looks in the halls, but that was about it. I always thought he was out of my league anyways, and I knew he'd never want me because he was straight- or so I thought." Jungkook looked down at his fidgety fingers and heaved another sigh.

⠀⠀"The night of graduation, Chanyeol's friend Sehun threw a party, and even though I was never a party-goer, I figured I'd go b-because it was graduation, y'know? I wasn't really friends with anyone there, so I just drank some beer and danced by myself like a loser. But throughout the night, I caught Chanyeol staring at me several times, and being the naive person I am, I thought it was just the alcohol and that I was being delusional," Jungkook explained, eyes avoiding Taehyung as he nervously played with the hem of his shirt with his free hand.

⠀⠀"Later that night, I went to use the bathroom and ran into Chanyeol. Much to my surprise, we kind of hit it off and talked and flirted a bit. Next thing I knew, we were hooking up in his car. Things moved a little faster than I would've liked, b-but I just couldn't resist him. I mean, I had the biggest crush on the guy."

⠀⠀"While we were having s-sex, he told me he l-loved me and that he always wanted me," Jungkook said, voice wavering. "We were both pretty buzzed, and I knew I shouldn't have believed him, b-but I-I- I just couldn't help it... A boy had never told me something like that before."

⠀⠀"After that night, he agreed to meet up with me again, but it didn't go like I thought it would. Pretty much, he told me that everything was a mistake, that he regretted fucking me, that he wasn't gay, that he had a girlfriend. Being the crybaby I am, of course I started crying, calling him a liar and telling him that he was just closeted. Obviously, he wasn't very happy that I told him that. He called me a crazy f-faggot and threatened me- told me he'd beat the shit out of me if I ever outed him." Jungkook paused and rubbed at his eyes, tears building up as he explained the painful memory to Taehyung.

⠀⠀"He what?" Taehyung asked in a growly tone, jaw clenching.

⠀⠀"I was so fucking s-stupid, thinking he loved me. It was just a hookup to him, n-nothing more. He didn't love me – that was the alcohol talking. He made me feel g-gross, like I was only a good fuck. And I hated that he t-took my virginity. I-I wish I waited for someone that actually loved m-me and wasn't so desperate. I still regret it to th-this day," Jungkook choked out, lip quivering as he tried to withhold his cries.

⠀⠀Taehyung's face softened as he saw Jungkook break down in front of him. He wanted nothing more than to console the boy, hold him and kiss him, tell him everything would be okay. Yet all he could do was sit behind a screen and comfort him with words, and it was frustrating.

⠀⠀"Aw- I'm sorry that happened to you, baby. Please don't cry. I hate seeing you like this," Taehyung cooed, his voice gentle.

⠀⠀"I-I know- sorry," Jungkook sniffled while wiping his tear-stained cheeks.

⠀⠀"Don't be sorry. That guy's a fucking dickhead and isn't worth crying over," Taehyung said, titling his head. "So how able you show me that pretty smile of yours instead? C'mon, smile for me, baby."

⠀⠀"Stop," Jungkook giggled, hand over his mouth and eyes crinkled. "Okay- fine." Jungkook uncovered his mouth, bunny teeth beaming, and slipped down into his bed, covering himself with a blanket.

⠀⠀"So, mind giving me this dude's address?" Taehyung asked, eyes sharp like a brand new kitchen knife. "I've got a cousin who used to be in a mafia. I'm sure he wouldn't mind coming with me, too."

⠀⠀"Taehyung," Jungkook sighed. "There's no point. What's done is done. It's in the past now, and I'm getting over it." Blush creeping up on his face, Jungkook mumbled, "Besides, I-I have you n-now."

⠀⠀"What's that? Say it again. I didn't hear you," Taehyung taunted the younger, smug smile spreading on his lips.

⠀⠀"Hmm, does grandpa need hearing-aids?" Jungkook retorted, sticking his tongue out like a brat.

⠀⠀Taehyung simply rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I'm glad you opened up to me, Jungkook. I know it's not easy, so thanks for trusting me."

⠀⠀"Thanks for putting up with my crying, if anything," Jungkook responded with a light laugh.

⠀⠀"Feel free to vent to me whenever. I'm always here if you need someone," Taehyung reassured him, wink and smile accompanying his statement.

⠀⠀"I will Taehyungie," Jungkook said, a yawn fleeing his mouth after. "It's been a long day with all this drama and a bitch is ready to sleep. Goodnight."

⠀⠀"Alright. Goodnight, baby boy. I'll text you tomorrow morning," Taehyung uttered, voice raspy and groggy. "Oh, and be prepared to wake up to a dick pic."

⠀⠀"Sure, and be prepared to wake up to being blocked," Jungkook deadpanned, the older laughing at how cute and bratty his little baby was.

⠀⠀Jokes aside, the two said their final goodbyes and ended the call with Taehyung making kissy faces before Jungkook hung up. As Taehgung called it a night, he lay there in his bed, smile on his face and heart swooning. Fuck, he was really falling in love.


Yeah, kind of a boring and overly angsty chapter, but with all that out of the way, we can move on!! Next chapter will be fun and a little sexual. 🤭 Anticipate you thirsty bitches! 😍🤟

Also, sorry again to the Chanyeol stans and exo-ls for having to portray Chanyeol as the bad guy. He's obvi a jolly green giant in real life, but it's fiction, Brenda. It's not that serious. 🗿

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