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In movies the bride would always be carried in by her husband into their new home. I always loved those romance movies cause I pictured Melki and me doing that. I never imagined my wedding day spent in a random car with a total stranger. There was no joy and definitely no love. I hated him he may have won the battle but looking down on the ring I knew I was to win the war and go back to Melki like this was just karma playing a bad joke and have my company all to myself.

There was no plus side to this but just imagining running into Melki's strong arms and possibly a real wedding ceremony because this was a sad joke. I'd dance with him as all our guests marveled at how beautiful I look and glare at any girl who dared look at him. I was optimistic things will turn up well. No one forced me to be here, I did it all for my own benefit on my father's part I hope he truly does get a heart attack soon. A small smile slipped on my  lips, there was no way I was to cry.

"What's so funny" the brute had to comment.

"Nothing, I just never thought ill end up a young widow." I turned to give him the most sickening angelic smile. The joker would be proud.

The car came to a screeching stop. I ended jerking in front hitting the dashboard. I turned glaring at him.

" Your mother clearly didn't teach you anything. Stupid!" I winced.

He laughed, he did but it was more threatening than jovial. "And your father has a habit of selling you just like a common hore. You clearly have no self respect. You should just have held your head high and left this arrangement." For this one time I had no come back. Great Tristan 2 I'm still at zero.

"Get out." He said this for the second time today only It felt live a command used in casting demons . Taking the little dignity I had left I held the door handle and got out with my killer headache in the middle of the road.  He called the doorman, the  guy came running fast. He muttered something to him before driving off. Here I was standing in the middle of the street.

"Miss come with me." He asked as I walked slowly behind him everything was in a haze. My father did indeed sell my soul to the devil himself.

A few floors later I was in the penthouse typical for every billionaire. I recognized the building as being in the heart of Manhattan. My mother once suggested I get a place here but now I hated everything about it. The place was beautiful but I was in no mood to look at the skyline right now I was exhausted. Going through the rooms all the doors were locked except one. Really was he expecting me to share a room and let alone a bed with him. The couch wasn't even that inviting  I needed a real bed.

"Miss is there anything I should get for you." The man asked.

"Yeah" I smiled evilly. "Please take the bed in the master suit and replace it with twin beds."

He looked pale " are you sure I need to check up with mr Emerson."

"No need Patrick," I read his tag. " i'm his wife Penelope ...Emerson." I showed him my ring.

"Oh sorry miss. I didn't know you were his wife, he didn't mention earlier." A sad smile played on my lips.

" please can you organize the beds for me" I almost felt disappointed I was alone right now.

"Sure ill go right ahead"

My phone rang as he left.

"Sophia what the hell happened," I shouted

" He had his driver lock me in my house while he kept guard. You don't know how many times I was tackled whenever I tried to reach you."

"Are you okay."

"Yeah, I managed to kick him in the balls at least twice before he called and gave the all clear. Your married right. I'm so sorry " I heard her sob. " and i never even got to be the best maid."

"Seriously that's what your crying for." 

" yeah, its not like he's ugly, an ass but on the fine side , Was there cake ? His driver is bringing your clothes btw. I was forced to pack everthing now I feel so empty without you."

"Shish I'm only gone till we figure how to stab him right into his cold heart."

"that's dark penn I don't want to be implemented in your murder sprees," she said seriously " we instead hire hit men, less work" we both started laughing before everything was cut short by a  knock at  the door. Leaning across the kitchen counter I saw Francis bring in some boxes while I glared at him but I smirked seeing him limp. Sophia truly did a number on him. But some part of me knew it wasn't his fault,  he must be a great guy but his boss slash my husband was unbearable

Soon after the twin beds were set up I arranged my clothes in our shared walk in closet. Having some homemade pasta. It was close to ten at night when I decided to call it a day.
That night when he came home I think it was midnight or something. He made noise on purpose as he made his way inside the penthouse, shortly after he entered the room and soon found himself on the floor.

"WTF. Where's my bed." He shouted before scrambling to turn on the lights

I woke up with a slight headache as the lights burned my eyeballs.

"You didn't." he sneered taking a good look of the room

"Didn't do what, shut the lights please I'm sleeping here." I curled back into the bed only to have my duvet ripped out of me. My mickey mouse pajama shorts had ridden up my thighs.

"What the hell is your problem." I shouted,His gaze lingering on my exposed thighs. He took a controlled breath before muttering something under his breathe that sounded like a prayer. I never knew demons did that, guess you learn something new everyday

"what have I done wrong dear husband? " I asked innocently quirking my brow and pulling back my duvet from his grasp.

"Where is my bed."

"That question again are you blind" I rolled my eyes " its there the ones with black sheets and a batman pillow dearest husband." I pointed just to annoy him. "We can switch if you like sleeping next to the balcony, I must admit its quite a view."

"My king size one." He glared beyond being slightly annoyed, taking another breath to control himself, this will surely be a long night.

"Oh! you see that old thing, just because were married doesn't mean we share a bed and since the other rooms were locked I decide we will share this room  like siblings separate beds and all, be grateful I got you a batman set cause Winnie the pooh looked just as inviting" I felt so proud of myself smiling with glee

"You know what I'm tired" he left.

How rude I walked towards the door, he left the lights on.

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