Start from the beginning

"That's blackmail." I said softly eyes dropping while I bit my lips nervously.

" I've found out your quite accustomed to them," moving  away from the door, I let out a shaky sigh 'just a few' I told myself.

I approached him wearyingly, digging through my bag I took out some pocket tissues. It's the least I could do after hitting him. I never knew I had such a great swing .He seemed hesitant at first but I took first aid classes in high school so at least I had some idea. I leaned close and started wiping the blood away till he stopped bleeding. Taking my clean handkerchief, I dipped in water from the drinking fountain and wiped his upper lip. The whole time he had this blank expression.

"Just a few" I breathed out.

He nodded when I was done.

"Sorry for your nose...." I tried to apologize but he spun on his heels and walked away while I still followed him. He went up a few stories while he checked himself on the elevator glass.

This time, I didn't sit in an open waiting room but an office. I guess I did look like I would escape. There was a vending machine and I was hungry like hell. Going there I slipped in five dollars and got a can of cherry cola and a granola bar. This would have to do. I was starving and sunshine was nowhere in sight.

While leaning across the machine a secretary passed by and I accidentally bumped into her. Stacks of paper that she carried toppled and scattered the floor. We picked them up the papers while she scowled at me. She was pretty old and ready to slap the shit out of me. The last paper however held me in a trance before she snatched it. It was a marriage certificate. And if I wasn't mistaking  it had both my names. I laughed it out I must be seeing things , then it hit me when she entered the same office I was, I was dead.

It took me about a minute to cool down. Today must be one of those bad days, at this rate ill be dead from a stroke before the day ends. So this was the big surprise, being shoved into a civil marriage it never crossed my mind well it should I just was a witness to one,  I should probably go get my witnesses. A few papers my foot that was like I was signing my whole life away. I had no other choice, he got me where he wanted. I got back to the office only to take a seat since my head was spinning.

I don't even remember when he got back with my family lawyer and an unknown man. Who I presumed was his lawyer. Mr Smith didn't even spare me a glance. I probably would have cried out for help but he was like my father's closest confidant, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who came up with the idea. However, my mind was only on one figure sitting beside me with his hand on mine. To numb to feel anything that's how bad I was.

Shortly the officiant entered and continued what I presumed was the marriage rights. I never heard everything till he noticed my stoic expression."We do understand that the both of you are getting married on your own free will."

Tristan looked my way, calculative eyes accessing my look. I knew saying no will mean I lose my company. Taking a small shaky breathe I said "yes" as I smiled gently

Satisfied the officiant continued to what my mind never registered. if he was thinking that he would make my life hell then maybe I should do him the pleasure of being the devil herself. I'll get everyone starting with that smart talking parasite Mr. Smith.

Rage boiling inside me, I didn't even flinch when the papers were placed before me. I took a good look at them passed them to my lawyer and glared at him till he squirmed in his seat, he looked at them and passed them back without giving me a second glance. The witnesses were our lawyers of course while I proceeded to  sign the prenup and the marriage documents shortly after.

 Soon after, we were declared husband and wife. The lawyers seemed contempt with everything as Tristan and I left the office.

"I guess dense women are your type after all." I taunted him as we left the building. The scowl on his face deepened showing he didn't expect I would be this civil.

I spotted the car but Francis was nowhere in sight.  Getting in he was pissed. I knew I had to drive him over the edge. Tapping my hand against the dash board I tried to distract myself from looking at him and possibly causing an accident while at it. Something was missing as I kept tapping my hand away.

"Where's my ring." I inquired with a little bit of enthusiasm.

He reached with one hand into his pocket and got out a simple band.

" You need to place it on my finger." I waved my ring finger at him.

"You have hands don't you." If the cold remark was meant to flip my mood then he got another thing coming.

Rising my left hand in front of me I performed the ring ceremony on myself. And with each vow passing over each finger I promised to put an end to this. I'll survive for the company, my mother and for the  love I feel for Melki. I gently placed it on my ring finger. Marking  the beginning to the most miserable six months of his life.

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