Really Important: Please Read

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Lol yes, I should be updating, but I just wanted to get this off my chest. I wouldn't really write this on one of my main books, but it relates to Persona so much, more specifically Persona 5 that I just had to write this here. 

I've been  active on Tumblr and Instagram  these days and I've come to realize that the Persona fandom, especially the Persona 5 fandom is really toxic. Like, way too toxic. I knew that it already was this way, but I didn't know it was that bad. 

On Tumblr, I've seen a confession saying that the fans who like Makoto from P5 are condescending, enjoy being pities, are controlling, etc. That really shows that there's so much hate almost everywhere in P5, and it mostly pertains to Makoto. 

I know that there are a lot of people that absolutely love Futaba and Haru. I personally don't like them as much as I love Makoto, but I'm not going around shaming the fans. It's one thing not liking the character because there's nothing wrong with liking them! But it's another thing when you go after the fans and be a hypocrite/ trying to act the "victim." 

And then on Instagram, there was a comment regrading to a confession and it said "if you are going to get upset about someone saying your taste is s*** grow a pair." There's something really, really off with that, at least with me. People ARE going to be upset that their taste is "s***"" and saying that you should grow a pair is kinda mean?? 

Then there was another one saying, "I like how Makoto fans are now complaining about getting crapped on when Haru and Ann fans like myself have been complaining about the hate from the beginning..... I love Makoto too, but don't think this is just a problem Makoto fans exclusively deal with when Makoto fans have hated on me in the past so much for liking Ann and Haru that I almost ended up hating Makoto myself." 

I get what that person was trying to say, but why can't people focus on the now? 

But not all the comments were like that. There were some that were humorous instead of just reacting like everyone else. 

One was: 

 I experienced that lot of Makoto Fans are like that xD my Personal Best Girls are Ann and Hifumi and i got so much blame from them because "Ann is trash " or something line that. Well not my problem more Ann for me then." 

Like this person was not being butthurt or "over dramatic," they were being funny and saying hey well, more Ann for me!

I personally don't like Haru and Futaba because of my reasons, but hey, if you like them you like them. I don't care! They're cute and all, but I don't like them as much as Makoto and Ann. But you do you! 

I guess the purpose of this little PSA was to just say: 

1) That people are getting really out of hand in this fandom. 

2)You can like anyone you want, there's no such thing as a "worst girl." You can "rank" them anyway you want because that is your opinion and no one should change it for you and downgrade you for your OWN opinions. 


Also, @Rainynightsky, what do you think of this?  I'm wondering since we're mutuals and we talk a lot about Persona. (p.s you don't have to comment here, you can message me if you prefer!)

And what do you guys think of this as well? Go all out in the comments! Just know that if there are hurtful comments towards each other, I will delete/ report (?) them. If there are hurtful comments directed towards me, I can them. I prefer hate on me rather than others. I will still delete any comment that i see hurtful though :)

-until next time, reverse-lights

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