Chapter 10

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Breathe in, breathe out.
Breathe in, breathe out.

I just started my daily exercises. I can't lie and say I love them. I know I heard something about how the exercises are good for you and shit but honestly after my first few minutes of yoga I was tired as hell and so done. Done mostly because of Butch.


Well, my yoga pants just show off the perfect shape of my ass; that's what you get for being a black girl. African American any way.

"Did you just eat something spicy? Or are you trying to hold in your fart."

I laughed breaking out of the pose I was in; sitting on the floor, legs crossed to look like pretzel, and my hands in a meditation like pose. That wasn't required from me, I just loved being dramatic. After five minutes of attempting yoga I decided to call it quits and meditate mostly because I was trying to fall asleep faster and I couldn't get off the ground.

"No, it one of my exercises. It relaxes me and reduces my dizziness." I replied him.

His mouth formed into an 'o'. "Let's exercise then." He suggested.


"We would work out together."

I groaned realising it was one of his stupid pick up lines which he told me he had learnt for me. He found the fact I hated most of them funny, probably why he has been telling me the bad ones a lot more. He enjoyed putting a smile on his face. I liked a few like -once when I was going for a run he said-
Can I tie your shoe lace? I can't have you falling for someone else.
That was super romantic, I had to hide my blush by kicking him away when he knelt down.
And another time when we were watching transformers, and we were arguing over the better robot, he was like -
If you were a transformer, you would be a hot-bot called, optimus fine.
That time was super cute and super embarrassing when I squealed like a baby watching barney.
Another time when we went out for coffee and pastry. We were wearing super cool matching outfits; black plain tops, black track pants and white sneakers. He said-
Your hands look heavy, can I carry them for you?

If I was one of those people that read pick-up lines just for fun I would have killed him already because the lines wouldn't have been so foreign to me. But as I have never heard them before I found the especially cute, not because he said them to me but because someone had thought up something so romantic.

I really hate the flirty ones that are just about sex. Usually I am all down for dirty jokes but the fact that he didn't come up with them made them less impressive. Like;
Did you get those yoga pants on sale, because in this house they should be 100% off. That's why I don't wanna do yoga.
"Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna work out with me?"

We were in the kitchen now, I just got out a bottle water from the fridge.

I poked my head out out of the fridge and said to him, "You're such an animal." Then dug it back it.

"Yeah," he agreed taking a sip of his whisky, which I assumed because I heard the slurping. "I've been told that by my previous girlfriend's. But all they knew how to do was just moan, gr-"

I raised my hands to silence him, "I don't need the details."

He chuckled victoriously, and I sent a glare with a small growl his way after I had dropped the cranberry pie I just got from the fridge on the kitchen table.

"Wait, is that mine?" Butch now regained his seriousness back. I was acting like the Grinch while he was acting Olaf.

I quickly slid it to my other hand, "f*cking dig out your own meal." I growled at him. At that moment I wasn't his sweet wife, I was this pregnant woman living in his house.

"But, but.."

"But what butch?" I pouted, "Are you trying to deprive your pregnant wife of her lunch? That's cold butch, cold." I made sure the disappointment was evident in my voice.

"No-no," he scratched behind his head clearly confused about the way I handled the situation. "You can have it, i'm sure there is still some lasagna in there."

"Awwwnnn," I walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek, "you're so sweet but I ate the last piece of lasagna last night when I got up to pee."

I hummed as I skipped and landed on a couch in the living room.

My last words to him, 'I'm gonna f*cking make my pregnancy a living hell for you' from Last night must be ringing in his ears right now. And I'm sure he wished he never replied, 'And am gonna take it like a big boy and never let it affect me.'To me.

I wasn't punishing him because I was evil, which I would take as a compliment if you told me so but because, number 1, he could stay away from me for a whole three months. Number 2, he knew I was pregnant all this while but was just waiting for me to tell him so he doesn't have to kiss my stomach in secret and so he could care for me the way he should care for a pregnant woman. Number 3, he knew I was preggos and he still left.
That made the awwwnnn that would have betrayed my lips at the second reason completely vanish.

Its not like am making up stuff to make him look like crap while taking care of me.

Let's be fair here, We women need to over exercise our princess treatment when we are pregnant, because it might be the last time we get to enjoy (which am not wishing on anyone), it might take another year or two or never if you don't want any kids again before you get to have such treatment, and most importantly the pain we have to endure during pregnancy, before and after delivery. We deserve all that, and the men are just well how do I say this, responsible.

Haha, did you get the pun.

This is a threat now to all the men that open their mouth to say, "I did all the work and you are benefitting." Just because of a little beauty? When we already have enough of the natural beauty which was enough to attract the guy of our dreams. I would cut off your balls stuff it down your throat and you can fertilize what ever egg you find in your stomach.
Hey, I hope you like this chapter and I hope I didn't say anything to offend any of you.
I just realized I haven't said this before so I wanna say it now,
Thank you for reading my book, thanks for allowing it to reach 200 views which I was scared it was never gonna get.
And I realized some of you didn't read chapter 7, just check it out in case you skipped it.
Well bye, vote and comment, please.
You can also ask me some questions about myself that you wanna know or about the book.

Baby Bump (butchercup)  Where stories live. Discover now