Theseus Scamander x Reader : Sweater Collection

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—In which a bet is lost and they're now your dress-up doll for the day, for good or for worse—

"Y/n...Didn't we agree not to bring work home?" You heard someone sigh as they came up to you, peeking over your shoulder to see the multitude of sketches in front of you. "Hello Mr. Scamander! How may I help you today? Would you like one of our new suits or would you rather take something a tad more festive?" You grinned at him, flashing two of your newly-made sketches at him as he pulled a face on your take at professionalism.

"What do I have to do to get your mind off your work for once?" He muttered as he plucked the papers off your hands. A flick of his wand and the mess of papers on the table arranged themselves into a neat stack and a swish made them all disappear from where they were, earning a disgruntled complaint from you. "Hey! Don't magic my papers away, give them back!" You were admittedly a little miffed at his little charade due to it being holiday season, which was a busy time for a fashion designer for a clothing apparel store like you were.



"No, (y/n)."

"I bet you'll end up giving in to me by the end of the day! And then I'll make you wear stupid sweaters all the way till Christmas when you do!"

Theseus rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Nice try but that's not happening."

He paused.

"But if I do win, and I will, you'll banish all work outside the door, yes?"

"Deal!" Mirth twinkled in your eyes as you agreed to the terms of the bet, knowing full well that he wouldn't last.

Not for long, anyway.

Alas, he eventually gave in to your infamous puppy dog eyes moments after. Theseus Scamander, renowned war hero, digging his own grave and set for humiliation the next day in his own department.

The next day, dressed by the hands of one imp of a girlfriend, he got a peck on the cheek and a wish of good luck before he left for work. You were having way too much fun with this that he could see the mirthful glee in your eyes.

Oh, the joy.

He tried. He swore he tried not to let you have your way but even he knew that you had him wrapped around your little finger. To which he groaned and ran a hand over his face at the prospect of facing others decked out in such...

"Merlin's beard, Theseus! What's with that horrendous sweater you're wearing today?" A loud voice belonging to one of his the other aurors sounded from the other end of the MACUSA's office. The guy had spotted poor Theseus while he had been trying to sneak out of his office and grab a cup of well-needed coffee inconspicuously. Apparently, his plan had been foiled and every single head in the department turned to face him and his...Current predicament. He had on a horrid Christmas sweater indeed.

It was a shade of brilliant bloody red with Christmas-styled patterns all over it along with "Let's get elfed up!" written in big bold letters smack in the center. He could feel his ears start to turn red with embarrassment at all the attention he was getting. All eyes were on him at this point and he had utterly no idea how he should be reacting. Thus, he decided to settle back into his old habits and played it cool, giving a small cough before declaring. "I thought that it'd be great to make this place a little more festive seeing as Christmas is coming so I took it upon myself to wear...A celebrative artifact of sorts."

He got himself a few looks of disbelief before he scurried back behind the doors of his one safe haven, his office.

True to your word, you've kept him on a daily sweater schedule much to his displeasure. Knowing that he lost the bet, Theseus sucked it up and wore it.... again and again and again.

Until one day, he just decided to give up hiding and simple went about the office as he usually did.

No more hiding. He walked out of his office with confident strides and his head held high.

"Theseus? Why does that look like something belonging to the shop a couple of streets down?" Great, now even Mr. Graves himself had come down to preen at his newly acquired fashion sense. He paused, sheepishly rubbing his neck before answering his higher up. "The owner's my girlfriend and I lost a bet, unfortunately. This is the result of her getting back at me, you see."

There was a moment of silence before the man nodded in understanding, moving over to give Theseus a well-meaning pat on the back.

"Unfortunate, yes. But it doesn't hurt to see your colourful collection of sweaters once in a while...Really brightens up the place."

"Now please Mr.Scamander, we've got an important hearing with the board and surely you wouldn't want to turn up in that now, would you?"

Trust Theseus to never put a bet out whenever you're involved again. He'll never be able to live it down.

Heck, he'd probably be damned if Newt ever saw him on one of those ugly sweaters.

Please sweet gods, no. Anything but that!

Shots to a "Merry" Christmasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن