~Chapter 4: Deciding & Cleaning~

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*Bell's POV*
I didn't get any rest at all since I still thought about the talk with Toy Bonnie. I had no clue what was going on one bit. I sat up, sighing. 'I need to get some rest at least.' I thought, running my hands through my hair. I've been in human form since before talking with Bonnie the night before. There was footsteps outside, and I stood up. 

"How long before it's ready?" A slightly familiar voice said, but I couldn't exactly know who it was. 

"Um...sir? I hate to bring up this fact but...we're not sure if it would be a good idea to send her out at all. I mean, what role would she have?" 

"Hm, well you may have to take that up with Mr. Afton. He's an expert with animatronics." I quickly got into my position and changed into an animatronic, in case they came in. I had to pretend I was shut down as well, to play the role. As I predicted, I heard the door open. 

"But sir. He's pretty scary and after hearing what happened with his only daughter recently, I don't think he'll be able to cope with this kind of thing." 

"Fair point. Although, we'd like her performing as soon as possible, don't we?" 

"Well, yeah but-" 

"Excellent! Now, I'll go call up Mr. Afton to check her out." A guy said before I heard him walking away. The second guy sighed. 

"Great," He said with a bit of sarcasm. I wasn't sure why he stated it like that. "Wait, Mr. Gideon," I heard him turn around and I glanced to see it was a guy in a security outfit. I only was able to see he had blond hair and I went back to my previous eye position until the door closed. 

I blinked a few times before standing up. 'Performing? I'm not sure if I'm qualified for that kind of thing yet.' I thought, frowning slightly. I changed into a human and tilted my head slightly. 

*Snowflake's POV*
Vincent was sitting on the couch with images from the tape footage he got from the police station. We stared at them for a while before the phone started ringing. I looked towards the phone and Vincent spoke. "Snowflake, fetch." I looked at Vincent for a second before standing and trotting towards the phone. I got up on my hind legs and grabbed the phone in my mouth, before going back on all fours. 

I gave a bark and with heightened hearing, I could hear what the person on the other side of the phone was saying. "Hey, girl. Listen, I need to talk with your owner about something." I heard Vincent's boss, Mr. Gideon say and I tilted my head. I looked over at Vincent to see him still  staring towards the images. I gave another bark towards him and he looked at me before sighing and standing. 

"Thanks, Snow." He started walking towards me and pat my head. "Go ahead and get some rest, girl." I gave a small whimper, but did as he said. I was worried that this might be making him lose sleep but I didn't object to it. Vincent picked up the phone and put his other hand in his pocket.

"Hello?" He paused before speaking again. "Look, Gideon. I already quit the job, remember? I'm not checking in with any of the animatronics." Vincent said with a small growl in his voice. He seemed to calm down slightly. "I know, I know. Wait...a new animatronic?" He asked, confused. I lifted my head, looking at him. "When did you get a new animatronic besides the Toys?" He asked and I tilted my head, in confusion. "Know what, wait for me to get there before you do anything else with it. Be over in thirty." He hung up the phone and moved towards the door. 

"Let's go Snow." I hopped up and trotted behind him, as we left the house. We got in the car and I sat in the passenger seat and Vincent started driving as soon as he could.

*Thirty Minutes Later*
We got to the pizzeria and I stayed by Vincent the whole time as we walked towards one of the storage rooms. "We ended up receiving this one by mail, but we didn't order any animatronics' since we've already had the old ones and the toys. I thought those were enough but I saw a large box and found the animatronic inside."

The New Animatronic of Freddy's (Foxy X OC)Where stories live. Discover now