Old friends

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Tom was very excited when Draco had brought him the reply letter from Abraxus. He hurried to the library and saw Hermione there working diligently. She smiled and walked over to the table.

"How are you this morning?" Hermione asked before he could.

"Great, I just received a letter from an old friend. I haven't read it yet but I'm sure it will be good news." He said to her his smile genuine.

"That's wonderful news Tom, did you want to take today off, I think you have a handle on things." She motioned to the work on the table.

He smiled at her. She will be so perfect. She's so willing to please.

"We are fine, I enjoy our time together."  Tom told her placing his hand on hers.

Hermione knew her face was on fire, she could feel it behind her eyes.

Tom broke the silence. "Did you think about my offer?"

"Yes, I suppose if you still wanted to go, with me, I would be willing." She said "but if Malfoy or Potter start messing with me, I will leave. I promise they do not like me."

Tom smiled again, "Let me handle them, they will not mess with you."

Hermione wanted to believe him. But she had known these boys for the last 5 years.

They studied for a bit then they just talked. Hermione talked of her supportive but aloof parents. And how she found out she was a witch.Tom spoke of his childhood and the mean kids at the orphanage. And how his visit was with Dumbledore.

By the end of his story, Hermione felt her heart breaking, for that poor mistreated child. She felt a kinship with the loneliness he had felt while surrounded by the other children. Tom felt his hold on her tightening. She was almost in tears at hearing his story. It was beautiful. 

They decided to stop at midday. They ate lunch together in the kitchens, again. Tom would slowly work her up to eating with him in the great hall, in time. He walked her back to her common room, they walked in silence. Tom was anxious to get back to his room and read the letter from his old friend.

Hermione was nervous, Tom was her ideal man. He was smart and handsome. He didn't seem to care about her awkwardness around people. She just wished she knew if he was interested in her, romantically. He was very old fashioned with his mannerisms, she didn't know if he liked her or was just being a gentleman.

They arrived at the Fat Lady's portrait and she whispered the password and practically dove into the common room. She would not embarrass herself again by making the first move.

Tom watched the girl move quickly and the portrait close behind her. He was slightly confused, but brushed it off. He had to go handle business. The walk back to the dungeons seemed to take forever. He hurried to his room and dropped his things onto his bed.

He pulled out the letter and broke the seal,  hurrying to know what happened.

My Lord,

I find myself relieved to know you have finally awoken, after you unfortunate accident, Dumbledore gave very few updates on you. You truly did not age? That seems incredibly unfair. I am in my 60's, and while I assure you I am still my beautiful self, some days I feel as old as the fool running that school. The remaining Knights are unaware of your awakening. I will inform them when we meet next, unless you would want to wait. I would be honored if you would come to stay at Malfoy manor during your summer holidays. I would make the trip back and we could catch up. I await your reply.

Abraxus Malfoy

Tom laughed, this sounded very much like his old friend. He grabbed parchment to write him back. This would be wonderful. He could stay at the manor, possible regroup with his old friends, and start a new school year, properly.

He used a school owl since there was no important information in this letter. Just the acceptance of the offer for lodgings and a wait until summer to inform their friends. With the letter sent, Tom walked around aimlessly. The familiar walls and always changing staircase, soothing him. When he realized his feet had taken him to the girls bathroom that held the entrance to the chamber of secrets, he smiled.

He turned to walk away, not today, he would have to wait for another time to check the chamber. He walked back to the common room and sat to read until dinner. The students entering the room pulled him from his reading. He watched them, they were morons. When had the pride of being in Slytherin, fallen so low?

Tom watched as Draco moved over to the couch and sat down. The blonde boy pulled out another letter and handed it to Tom.

"My parents wrote me at lunch, said to give this to you and informed me you were invited to stay at the manor this summer. My father is on the board of Governors, so it shouldn't be as issue. You are after all 60 something right?" The blonde was spouting quickly.

Tom took the folded letter and smiled. "Yes, I suppose I am, technically."

He unfolded the letter and smiled.

Tom Riddle,

please accept this letter as a formal invite to spend the summer holiday at Malfoy Manor. We would be overjoyed to have you.

Lucius Malfoy.

The only downside to this was he would be spending a lot of time around the Malfoy arrogance. One was bad enough but if his count was right, he'd be around four.

Sighing at that thought, he tucked the letter away in his pocket. He looked over at the blonde boy who was picking his nails.

"Draco, I would like to show you something, follow me." Tom said.

The boy looked at him and slowly stood up. Tom smiled, good he wasn't a complete moron. Tom could see the fear and mistrust in his eyes. It was magnificent!  The best part is the blonde followed obediently.

They walked to the 7th floor, Hermione explained it was called the room of requirement. Silly name really. He waited as the door appeared, then ushered the boy through.

It looked a lot like the Slytherin common room. Tom smirked at the thought. He turned to the boy.

"Draco, you and I have to have a talk, about a certain mudblood." He explained as he raised his wand.

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