Save the Date

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Hermione was not taking obliviating her parents well. Tom had watched her the last three days. She was outwardly smiling and somewhat happy. Tom knew her better than that. When she thought he wasn't looking, she would stare off into nothing.

This was the reason that he had volunteered to do it for her. He had no issues with erasing memories. He had no issues with a lot of things. He needed to figure out how to fix this, to fix her.

Hermione was trying her hardest to move past the hurt her parents had caused her. She had known for a while they were pushing her away. Pushing her out of their lives. She had known they wanted nothing to do with her being magical.

She felt like she had done the right thing when she obliviated them. She knew that they would be happy. They could live their lives oblivious to all things magical, and she could live her life. But it was slowly gnawing at her. The guilt of pushing her parents out of her life permanently. She was sure that Tom would have done it for her, but she had to be the one. She knew that.

Now every time she thought about it, she was glad she didn't let him. She knew she just needed to get her act together and grow up. She was an adult by wizarding law. She woke the next morning and was in a new frame of mind.

Tom noticed Hermione was different as she came to breakfast.

"Good morning Tom." she moved to make a cup of tea. Once ready she sat at the modest table and grabbed a slice of toast.

"Morning, you seem to be feeling better." he said looking at her suspiciously.

"I do feel better, I feel brand new." she spread jam on her toast and took a bite.

"Not that I am not happy about this, but what happened?"

She smiled, "Nothing had really changed, it just took me a while to grieve for the loss of my parents." She explained.

Tom was intrigued. Of course that was what she had been doing. He felt relief that he hadn't had to take any drastic measures with her. He had grown very fond of her. He'd hate to lose any part of her.

"Tom?"  He looked over to her. "When should we get married?"

He looked up in surprise, "Whenever you are ready. I hadn't wanted to set a date until you were feeling better."

She smiled again. "I think I am ready, can we go to the ministry on Friday? I don't want a large ceremony. Just you and me." she paused, "And Draco."

Tom chuckled. "If that is what you want." he grabbed her small hand, running his fingers across her knuckles. "Should I owl Draco, or do you want to do the honors?"

"Oh, I will. You set up the appointment."

She stood, walking over to kiss him lightly. She moved to take her cup to the small sink.

Tom was pleased that she was back to her old self. He put his things in the sink as well, charming them to wash themselves. He left to go set up the appointment.

Hermione set down to write to Draco. She found it funny how he was as close to a best friend that she had.


Tom and I would be pleased if you would be our witness for our marriage. You are my closest friend. We will be going to the Ministry building Friday. You can meet us there. I will owl you the exact time before Friday.


She sent the letter off and readied herself for the day. She showered and dressed, then moved to find Tom.

Tom had flooed to the ministry and put in the application for their marriage. The nice woman at the desk said they would be sent a missive with the final appointment time.

While he was there, he had stopped by to speak to a few of his guys. Mostly it was just a bit of this and that, catching up. The important visit was with Lucius. Tom made his way to the man's office and knocked on the door.

Lucius opened the door, the shock apparent on his face. "Mr. Riddle, come in."

Tom stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Lucius moved to sit behind his desk.

"Lucius, I am glad you could see me, I wanted to ask you about the muggleborn initiative.."

"Mr. Riddle-" 

"Please call me Tom."

Lucius smiled, nodding his head, "Tom, It was passed, it will take some time to finalize the last details. We are looking at the start of the new year."

"That is wonderful news." Tom looked at his pocket watch and back at the blonde. "I must be going, expect an owl soon."

Tom left without another word. Hermione would be pleased at the progress they had made. He had been gone a bit longer than he had expected. He hurried back towards the entrance and flooed home. He moved from the large fireplace and went to find his fiancé.

Hermione had been unable to find Tom, she moved to their library, assuming he was still at the ministry. She was in the middle of reorganizing the shelves when Tom surprised her.

"Have you got it the way you like it yet?"

She let out an embarrassing squeak. "You gave me a fright. It's almost finished. I am still waiting for a few more deliveries." She walked over to him.

"Was your morning productive?" She asked putting her arms around his neck. Her hands threaded into the hair at his nape.

"Very, I did some small networking after I put in our application. I plan to have a small get together. We could throw a reception here, Regroup with my friends, old and new."

"Sounds dreadfully dull." Hermione said, kissing along his neck.

He hummed his agreement, "It will keep people from hurt feelings for not being invited to the wedding."

She sighed. "If we have to." She actually pouted.

He liked this side of her. She was so playful today. He pulled her closer kissing her soundly on the mouth. She returned the kiss, deepening it. He shuddered at the way she moved her mouth against his. He really could get used to this.

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