Chapter Two: Him

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And then i saw him.

Kelly must've noticed that i was staring at someone because she turned around and saw the big group of kids walk to the counter to make their order. "Those are the coolest,baddest kids on campus" she added after we stared for a while as they ordered their food. Thank goodness she didn't see the guy i was looking at. was he the leader? He looked quite like a bad boy, a really bad boy...

No Lea. Get your head straight. You're not here to gawk at every boy that passes you, you're here to study and graduate, make a life for yourself. You can't afford any distractions. As those words rolled off of my imaginary tongue, he looked at me. His eyes are like the ocean. Blue, dangerous,and very mysterious,you could get lost in his eyes for eternity. Before i look like a total idiot, i look away and make some more conversation with Kelly.

The group(now named "BadZ" by me and Kelly) got their food and sat at the table right across from us. Perfect. Just perfect. I have the perfect view of my mystery boy, well, he kind of doesn't have another choice. He sat down last and is facing directly at me. So when i look up i look into his eyes, heaven i tell you. OKAY LEA STOP! What is happening to me... I can't control my mind anymore. She's like her own person now. Mystery boy stood up to get some more ketchup and as he grabbed it he looked up at me and winked. Oh my,i think i just died.

Who is this boy and why does he have this sort of control over me? Just because he looked at me and winked, now I'm suddenly in love? Oh no! I have to at least get a name before i can even begin to picture him like that. And there is where i scraped my guts together and asked Kelly,"Who's the hottie over there in the leather jacket?" "Oh that's Joel ,Joel Ross. He's like the baddest boy in the group. He's probably had like a hundred girls in the last year. He's bad news. I know he looks cute now, but Lea i'm warning you, he's bad news."

I had dozed off right after she told me his name. Joel. What a beautiful name. I wish i had a more original name than lea (sorry for any lea's reading this) I mean really mum. How original could you possibly be? Whatever this isn't about me... This is about Joel and how really good he looks and that i actually have a name for him.

Before i knew it Kelly was clapping and waving trying to get my attention. I sighed in relief when i realized that i didn't stare at him while daydreaming about him. "Are you okay? You look like you got the love bug" Kelly laughed and scrunched her nose. "Please listen to my advice i gave you. I don't want you to get hurt. You're really such an amazing person and i swore to your mother that i'll protect you from the toxic people and toxic vibes, well, he is a toxic person and vibe..So stay away." I'll have to tell Kelly one day that she rambles a lot when she's protective. But hey let the girl be, she's trying to protect me from Joel.

But what if i don't want to be protected from him? What if he could change for me? Lea are you hearing yourself? You're crazy... If he really is as bad as Kelly says then he won't change for a girl like me. He would use me and say he wasn't guilty when someone confronts him. Lea stay away! Lea stay away! Lea stay away! But what if? What if i just start talking to him? It couldn't hurt me? Starting tomorrow, i'll find him and talk to him, just say hi or something...

I walk to the counter and get my wallet out to pay. I open my wallet and some of my coins fall out on the floor. Next thing i know Joel is picking up the coins, putting it in my hand."I'm so sorry i'm such a klutz" i apologize to him and try to hide the blush that crept to my face. "Hey no it's no problem, it happens all the time. What's your name hun?" he says and smiles at me.

HUN?! Holy moly boy you can't just say things like that to me? Are you crazy? Do you want me to kiss your whole face? Okay breathe Lea, breathe... "My name's Lea.And yours?" I say even though i know his name, i just don't want to sound like a stalker. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. It's Joel. Oh and listen here i'm holding a year starter party at my frat house tonight, you should come." he says as he's scanning my body up and down.

"Yeah sure i'd love to come, i just have to arrange a lift and then i'll be there." i laugh. I haven't even had the time to shop for a car and i've already been invited to a party. Well guess what i'm going to be doing for the rest of the week... "I could always come and pick you up?" Did he really just say that? CALM LEA! "Oh no i'm good i need the walk anyway, i'm sure it'll be fine." i say as i pay the cashier. "Okay take my number and if you can't get a lift, call me and i'll come fetch you.Don't walk. It's too far." I think i'm going weak at the knees. "Okay fine i'll call if i can't make any other arrangements. Thank you tho." i almost want to hug him but then i'll just look like a psycho so yeah i'm just gonna sit back and not make a fool of myself. As i look back to Kelly she looks at me and wriggles her eyebrows at me. This woman is so confusing. First she says i should stay away, now she's making flirty faces. I can't deal with her i swear...

"Okay i gave to go now but i'll see you later,gorgeous?" he says as he's about to walk away. "Yeah see you tonight" i say and smile lightly. I walk to Kelly and she literally almost attacks me with all the questions. "Okay before you kill me, he gave me his number and said that i should come to his party he's holding tonight. "Oh my gosh you have to go!" she practically screams in my ear. "Well i don't have much of a choice, he said i should call him to pick me up if i don't find a lift to take me there.

"Wait can i come too?!" she hops around me.

"Obviously i'm taking my main girl with me" i laugh and we walk back to our dorm.

A\N: Hey cuties! :)

Thank you all so much for reading this book. i'm currently on vacation and i'm probably going to write two chapters per day, i hope.

Please don't hate. This is my first story on Wattpad and i would appreciate if you could let me know what you guys think!

Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!

_lezaan_alberts_ :)

quote of the day: "do something that scares you every day"


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