Freedom To Love

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"Yes, you want to hear? I will tell you! You are not fair," Can suddenly exclaimed. His hands once again gripped the edge of the table as he leaned his face closer to Tin's father. "You do not love your sons equally."

Tin was shocked into silence. Mute and unable to move, he turned his open-mouthed face from Can to his father to Can and back again. While the anger on Can's face almost lent him a grotesque countenance, his father slowly smiled.

A smile that Tin has never ever seen.

"Then tell this old man who love his children unequally what you know?"

Tin so wanted to grab Can and get him outside before he made matters worst. Because no matter what the angry boy would say, Tin knew that his father won't believe a single word. But he could only gape with opened mouth and eyes as big as saucers as elephants trampled inside of his chest cavity.

The young master felt his knees going weak so he stepped back to sit on the couch that was directly behind them, grabbing Can before he said a word and while hesitant, the other boy allowed himself to be dragged and pulled to sit beside the breathless Tin.

But the old man was still looking at them, waiting for whatever it was Can wanted to say.

"Do you know that the drugs that were found with Tin in Europe was just a trap to harm Tin?" Although Can asked, he did not wait for a reply but continued without pause. "It's because you have always closed your eyes and never knew about the bad things Tul has been doing to harm his little brother?" Can's voice was rising again.

"That ass has made a laughingstock of Tin? My boyfriend is not a joke! Parents should take care of their children and not send their children to foreign countries when they are so young. He was alone, and he trusted that Tul, but what did he do? Of course you do not know, choosing only to believe in your eldest son."

"When I heard these things I was very angry. What kind of father are you? Why do you allow your other son to bully this one, are you indifferent? Oiiiii, I'm so so mad."

Tin wanted to laugh because Can, while angry was still his old endearing Cantaloupe, he just never realized he would be this ferocious nor did he expect for this little white monkey to march into his house and fight his battles; making Tin look like a bullied child, both by his brother and his father.

But Tin could not laugh. He looked at his father, tried to gauge his thoughts from his expressions but his Dad was not looking at him and was totally engrossed with what Can was saying.

"Ok, I do not know much about you but I see you on TV all the time and Tin is afraid of you."


"Shut up, ... but I also feel how badly evil Tul is, don't you know he just sent me pictures of Tin smoking drugs? Did he want us to argue with each other? What satisfaction does he get when he does that? What good will it do? "Can paused, looking into Tin's fathers eyes with one eyebrow arched in question.

"Hmmm, what if I'm a bad person and used those pictures to extort money from you? Or better yet, send them to the press, the journalists will have a field day seeing the son of the Mesanat's using drugs. Did you know he sent those guys to bring Tin to the party and have him do drugs? He even sent the police to that house so Tin will be caught " Can's voice grew louder.

Everything else was quiet in the room. And Can was not yet finished.

"I thought it was over, but he was not finished yet. Somebody sent me a LINE message today. It was a video of a woman fucking and screaming the name of Tin."

Tin flinched at the crude words that Can was using but he was glued on the spot and all he could do was glance at his father.

"I may be a stupid kid but sorry I am not an idiot. Did he want me to get angry and break up with Tin? "

After the Football Game ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon