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"Mr. Boseman, you are a genius!" Chadwick's client said over the video conference they were having. The past couple of days, Amina's been staying up late helping Chadwick with this budget for his client and they finally figured it out together. He was shocked at how good Amina was with all of the math they had to do and charts they had to make. Chadwick had presented all of the information that they had come up with to his client and he was happy with it.

"Well I have to admit, I had some help from a friend of mine." He said, smiling thinking about Amina.

"Where are they? I want to meet them." His client said and Chadwick chuckled.

"She's actually in Chicago." He said, and the guy nodded his head, and started to think about something. "She's not an accountant either, she just really good with math."

"Well you know that I'm in Chicago, which is perfect. You should fly out here and bring her to my office. I want to meet her." He said, and Chadwick nodded his head. It was a good idea, if Amina had to proper schooling, she could have a new job and finally get out of that diner.

"I'll talk to her about it, and I'll get back to you." Chadwick said and after talking for a little while longer, they hung and Chadwick grabbed his phone and called Amina.

"Hello?" Amina said into the phone, before yawning. Today was her day off, so she was taking advantage of that and Nova being at school, and decided to catch up on sleep.

"Hey, I'm sorry, were you sleeping?" He said, biting his lip. He felt bad, because he knows how hard Amina worked and she had been staying up late to help him with work.

"Yeah, but it's okay, what's up?" She asked. sitting up and fixing the bun that her dreads were in, so she could lay back down comfortably.

"So I just presented our work to my client." He said, trying to hide his excitement. Not only was he excited that his client was happy, but he could possibly be seeing Amina again. He didn't want to admit it, but he actually missed her and Nova a lot and couldn't wait to see them.

"How did it go?" She asked. She was thinking about his meeting all today, until she finally decided to go to sleep. She was hoping that everything went well, because she had helped him with it.

"He loved it. He actually wants me to come back to Chicago to talk about things further." He said, making her smile. She's been waiting to see him for a while now, but she wasn't sure when he was ever going to come back into town, and she didn't want to ask him either.

"That's amazing, Chad. Congratulations." She said, happy for him.

"I also may have mentioned that I had a little help, and he wants to meet you as well."

Her eyes went wide, and she sat back up again. "Really? Why did you tell him that I helped you?"

"I didn't want to take all of the credit, and honestly, I couldn't have done it without you, Mina." He said, hearing a knock at his door and when he looked, he saw Monica peaking her head in, and he waved for her to come inside.

"I don't know, Chad. I'm grateful that you told him about me, but I don't think I should go. I'm nowhere near qualified to do what you do." She said.

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