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Its been 3 days since I finally settled in, its been 3 days also since me and Hae Oppa became official.

Its tuesday, my last day of shooting with CNBLUE and tomorrow, I'm meeting the Super Junior for Lotte's new commercial, I would really like to see how surprised they would be.

I'm on my way to the studio for the final promotional photos for CNBLUE's comeback. I's quite a long drive from my pad to their entertainment. And oh, if you guys are wondering if how are me and Hae oppa for the past 3 days? Were doing more than okay, we always make time for each other, even though its late, well, they're kinda busy now, they're preparing for a comeback both Super Junior  and Super Junior-M. So yeah.

After 15 minutes on the road, I finally reached their studio, my manager was waiting for me at the door. And oh, P.S. my manager knows my relationship with Hae, I'm kinda allowed with dating and stuff, as long as it doesn't conflict my promotions and activities and he said its better to date artist and on the same field cause they would understand so much better about your job, so we're a-okay bout it.

Manager: Your just right on time, the boys are almost done with their make-up and they'll start shooting soon.

Zelle: Ye~ mian if I wasn't able to come earlier.

Manager: Ani~your just right in time.

We hoped into the elevator and he pressed 5. Soon the doors slid open and a female guided us to our room. I sat on my chair and they started to fix me up. An hour passed, my make-up artist led me out of the room and went into the studio, when we got in,the boys were being fixed for their photoshoot. MinHyul saw me and waved, others followed, they smiled and waved at me, except YongHwa, he just stared at me and went back staring at nothingness, well that was weird. The boys will be shooting the whole day, while me I'll be here for half the day, and this is my final debut. Tomorrow, I'm off to meet the Super Junior members.

After 2 hours of waiting, it was my turn with YongHwa, I was wearing this long white silk gown, and is very hard to walk with since the front lower of its hem keeps getting way, even though the crew are assisting me, there times that I still step on it. I placed my right foot into the platform, picking up the end hem of my dress and suddenly, kablaaaam. I fell to floor. As I was stepping my left floor on to the platform, I stepped on my gown without noticing and continued walking till I lose my balance and fell to the floor, but that didn't surprise, what suprised me the most was that YongHwa just looked at me, although he was worried, he never moved to where he was standing. The other crew came to help me stand up and to be honest my knee hurts a bit. As I stopped up, the pain twitched and I'm practically limping.

Director: Are you alright?

Zelle: Ye, I just hurts a bit but I'll be fine.

Director: Lets put some ice on it, I'll place a chair for your shoot, lets have you sitting down first.

Zelle: Ye, kamsahamnida.

I bowed as the director turned around and instructed one of the crew to place a wooden stool on the shoot. My make-up artist guided me to the chair and fixed me up, while one crew handed me an ice bag. I was about to place the ice bag on my knee when YongHwa grabbed it.

YongHwa: Next time be more careful. Worst can possibly happen.

Zelle: It was an accident.

YongHwa: Accidents are avoidable if your being careful.

Zelle: Ye.

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