ch. 2

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I went outside with a huff. Ugh. Kids these days don't deserve to work if all they do is roll their eyes and ignore you when you're trying so hard to order something. It was simply unfair. I went inside the shop feeling hopeful for the first time the entire night and some loser cashier boy greeted me, telling me to get out because he was too busy chatting with his online girlfriend.


I wandered the streets, seething and absolutely in a worse mood than when I entered. I didn't want to feel like this, especially since it was two days before my birthday and school was starting next week but, honestly, what does one do? I let out a heavy sigh as I came to a stop in front of the town library.

It didn't look like much but this place had been a second home the entire summer. Whenever I had a bad day at home (which happened almost every day), I'd come here and read until I fell asleep. I could be myself here. I had the freedom to laugh, cry, open the windows anytime I wanted and walk up and down the steps like I owned the place. I always liked the thought of being surrounded by books and stories untold cause at least I'll feel like I actually belong somewhere.

Wow. That was pretty depressing.

Anyways, since the librarian also happened to be my boss, she entrusted me with the key to the library and reassured me that I could stay anytime I wanted to, just as long as I didn't break anything.

I entered the library, locked it, and proceeded to go to the back of the store where I could read until I couldn't read anymore. It was almost a routine somehow. I shuffled through the books almost like in a trance until I finally decided on something to read.

I dropped everything then, went up to the attic I consider my little space in the world, sat on the makeshift bed, and began my next adventure.

~ • ~


"We are not doing that."

My best friend then proceeded to do a puppy dog face. "Leo, come on!"

"Dude, no! Remember the last time we did 'something harmless', you almost got hit by a bus?" I protested, using air quotes to emphasize my point.

"Come on, man. That was one time! I promise no one will get into an almost accident again."

I continued to walk off the cold and deserted street when Antonio stopped in front of me, blocking my path. He certainly knew how to keep up with my six-foot frame for someone who was five feet eight.

"Just this once, man." He begged.

"That's what you said last time." I countered and went to sidestep him when he cornered me and blocked my path again.

"Leo, bro, come on. What have you got to lose anyway? It's just a harmless trip to the library. I mean, it's better than going home." Antonio blabbered.

I stopped when he said that and thought about it for a split second, about what awaited me at home, but decided to turn the thought down. Antonio noticed my hesitation. He was always annoyingly perceptive when it came to me. I guess that's what you get for practically growing up with the guy.

"You're considering it," he said, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

My answer was too quick, too defensive. "No, I'm not," I said and attempted to sidestep him again but being small also made him fast and he blocked my way for what seemed to be the millionth time tonight.

"You know you're already considering it. You already have a decision and we're doing it." Antonio said, knowingly.

I looked away from him and he looked triumphant.

Antonio let out a loud whoop that echoed off the street causing me to shush him. "Sorry, sorry." He looked far from sorry. "So, what's the plan?"

I couldn't help but grin. "Well, as you said, Tony. We're going to do some harmless fun."

When You Saw MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon