Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

It had only been about a week and a half since I found out I was pregnant. I had woken up early as I had been doing for a little over a week, as the morning sickness was really bad. Killian would come in always, to hold back my hair, and make sure I was ok.

'You alright, love?'

'Yeah. I didn't really get sick like this when I was pregnant with Henry.'

I stood up, and Killian walked with me back to the bed. I had bouts of dizziness sometimes, and Killian was always beside me to make sure I didn't fall. Luckily, I made it back into the bed without any dizziness, and I cuddled in close to Killian.

Killian had been even more protective of me than he was before I found out I was pregnant. My hand still shook sometimes, but Killian tried his best to soothe me when I was stressed like that. I was extremely worried about telling my parents and Henry. I'm not sure why, as they will almost definitely be happy for me and Killian. I wasn't able to rid the sick feeling all morning, and Killian insisted that I stay home from work.

'Killian, I'll be fine.'

'Love, you should be resting.'

'I don't need rest.'

'Emma, please.'

Deep down I knew he was just being caring. But for some stupid reason I ended up snapping at him.

'Killian! I've told you I'm fine. I'm going to work whether you like it or not.'

I walked out the door, slamming it behind me. I felt really bad all morning. I was unable to concentrate on my work and my Dad looked over at me several times. It had been really hard keeping this from him, especially with the morning sickness.

'Can I help you?' I asked with an annoyed tone, as he looked over to check on me for the millionth time.

'Just making sure you're ok.'

'Why wouldn't I be?'

He didn't answer me, instead he sighed and went back to his work. When we stopped for lunch he began to interrogate me again. We got Granny's most days, but today I really wasn't hungry.



My Dad threw me a bag of food. I have no idea what was in it, but I threw it back at him in an attempt not to gag. Just the thought of food made me feel sick to my stomach.

'You need to eat Emma.'

'I'm fine Dad.'


I got up and grabbed an apple, taking a tiny bite.


He nodded.

'How's Henry doing?'

'He's fine... I think. We haven't really heard anything. I don't even know where he is.'

I stopped for a second, realising that I had missed so much of Henry's life. It had gone so fast, and I hoped that this time I would have longer.


I looked up to see my Dad walking over to me. I hadn't realised that I was crying.

'Sorry,' I laughed, wiping the tears that had escaped my eyes.

'You miss him, don't you?' He bent down beside me.

'More than anything.'

'He'll come back.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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