Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Henry took the schedule that Regina had made and perused it over, desperate to find something to regain any kind of mastery over this. Regina knowing his mind just smirked at him. Jillian smirked, able to see what her friend was thinking.

As the trip continued, Regina and Jillian held their court just as they did the year before. Henry Gerald was allowed to remain due to his office, but it was clear that Regina Fawley was in charge and that Jillian was her second.

The train ride had no problems for any of the students, and soon the train was stopping at Hogsmeade station without any troubles. Regina led the school out of the train and out to the carriages – just like the last two years. Then, she led the school from the carriages to the school. Jillian led the way for the Slytherins to their table, taking the top spot, while Regina and Henry sat together at the Staff table.

After the sorting, Professor Severus Snape stood up and looked out across the room.

"What an honor each of you holds in your hands to train at what I believe to be the greatest of all the schools of magic in the world. To my right and left are some of the most intelligent staff. In this castle are some of the greatest resources. Greatness can be yours. Some of you have achieved or are at the pinnacle of achieving that greatness."

He looked across the room. "Now, sit down and enjoy the feast."

Food appeared before everyone and conversations began around the hall. Regina involved Henry in casual talk. Henry still seemed a little shook up and irritated over the events on the train. When the meal was over, Professor Snape, introduced the staff and then,

"It is with great pride that I introduce our Head Girl, Miss Regina Fawley. Please stand Miss Fawley," he said.

Regina stood smoothly, her robes and Head Girl badge looking clear to everyone.

"She has achieved greatness like few others in the history of this school. You will all find a ready ear and help in Miss Fawley. Assisting her as Head Boy –"

Regina smirked as Professor Snape even publicly made it clearer that Regina was more preeminent than he.

"The Head Boy is Henry Gerald. They will oversee your detentions and all the work of the Prefects."

Professor Snape spent time going through again the rules they needed to be aware of. Then, everyone was sent off to bed. Regina watched with a little bit of sadness as her girlfriend left the room, taking charge of her Slytherins – they had once been Regina's. Then, she turned to Gerald, offering her arm.

"Would you kindly lead the way, dear Sir?" she asked with a sweet smile on her face, but her eyes showing that she demanded obedience. Henry's eyes showed his pride's pain and then laid out his arm to take hers and led her down the hall to the Head Boy and Head Girl rooms.

Their rooms were just off the Great Hall. The Kitchens were close by, giving them easy access to Hufflepuff's common room. The Slytherin Common room was down the stairs – easy access there too. It would be a little faster walk to the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor towers, and those walks would take them past the Headmaster's office.

After Henry led her to the room, she stood before a portrait of Tom Riddle. She stood before him.

"Miss Fawley, he smirked. Welcome to your home. Pick a password for entry."

Regina smiled back.

"Basilisk," she replied.

Tom smirked at the password, and the door opened to the room. Regina walked in to the beautiful emerald green colors of Slytherin. She had an office where her books were already laid out on the bookshelf. She had a small living room with a fire roaring. She also had a bedroom with a large bed.

Regina settled in front of the warm fire as she pulled out a letter she had received just that morning. She smiled as she read the uncomfortable script from Hermione Granger. Regina was certain that Hermione had taken great effort to get away and write the letter.

"Dear Miss Fawley,

I am very nervous as I write this, but some of the things that I have seen and heard around me and what you said to me continues to come back to mind. You made no promises, but you certainly seemed to indicate that you might be willing to help me in my situation. I am guessing that you were circumspect in our conversation because of your situation while we were together.

I am not happy with my situation. I am hoping that something could be worked out and that I might be able to find the protection of the venerable Fawley family. I know that this might include the Malfoys, but I am willing to consider anything you have in mind.

I will send an owl to you with a small tube that you can put a reply in soon. Please do not reply until then. I am very concerned about my situation.

Thank you for considering my position and please advise me what to do.


Hermione Granger."

Regina smiled as she pulled out a quill and some parchment. She thought for a minute as she replied to Hermione.

"Miss Granger,

As I stated when we conversed together, I speak honestly. You were also correct in your assumption that I was circumspect while I remained in your company due to the circumstances involved. Now, I feel no compunctions about what I am about to say.

Those who are allied to the Fawley family will make all other alliances – even marriage – secondary to their relationship with the Lord or Lady of the family. Since I am emancipated, I am for all purposes the Lady. I am interested enough in a relationship between our family and you, that I promise to take a personal interest in your situation.

As you consider a potential alliance with my family, this is what you need to be prepared to do. You will need to pick a date that you will be available for a one-on-one meeting during my Holiday break. Please give yourself twenty-four hours with me. I will send you a portkey to the chosen place. The portkey will be a two-way for one person. You must also be prepared to tell me everything about the plans of the Headmaster's order. I will demand an oath of fealty as well.

Please take the time to consider my proposal. Feel free to ask questions. I will not be very forthcoming until we meet personally. I will think on how you might benefit me and I look forward to a working relationship.

Thank you for your cordial speech with me before and now. I hope we will be able to speak this winter.


Miss Regina Fawley."

Regina folded the letter and placed it into outgoing mail. When Granger's owl came, she had spelled the mail to be attached to the owl. She was impressed that Granger had taken the time to make sure the letter was sent without getting caught.

+ + + +

Regina's final year of Hogwarts began, and she was as busy as ever. Her schedule was packed. She had refused to give up the Dark Arts Beginners class. This year, she had taken on a 2nd year in her class, Madison and her friend Edgecombe. She felt the two had potential to do as she had done and rule the school. Regina had taken on a 5th year Ravenclaw who would likely be her replacement next year, Marcus Dent.

Regina's schedule otherwise was filled with the core classes that she continued: Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and Herbology. She had already taken the Ministry Newts for Defense against the Dark Arts and Dark Arts.

She continued with her electives: Arithmancy, Runes, and Alchemy self-study. Professor Snape had tried to get her an alchemy expert, but again Dumbledore was the only living one and he was certainly not going to be helping her.

Her duties as the Head Girl kept her busy. She spent plenty of time dealing with homesickness, and other drama. She became quickly known for her detentions. She always used the Dark Arts in very inventive ways that motivated the troublemakers to avoid her detentions. She was doing so well that both Carrows requested to watch her methods.

With the Dark Lord in charge of the Ministry and Professor Snape in charge of Hogwarts, life was pretty calm through the first half of the year.

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