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renjun unlocked the door to his home, trying his best to be as quiet as possible. he had finally made it home after his extreme mental breakdown . he made his way to his room, only to see his father, sicheng, sitting on his bed looking through renjun's photo album.

"hi, renjun how was the - oh no what happened?" sicheng asked, clearly concerned .

he quickly motioned for the younger to sit next to him.

renjun hesitantly walked over to his father, sitting down, then enveloping his father into a hug. sicheng felt renjun's body shake as he sobbed, it broke his heart into a million pieces to see the boy so upset.

"renjun sweetie, get changed and meet me downstairs in 10 minutes." sicheng said before leaving the latter's room.

renjun got dressed into his cow onesie, washing the makeup off of his face. he looked at himself in the mirror, examining his swollen red eyes, his pouty lips, and his runny nose that no matter how many times he wiped it, it seemed to always be dripping with snot. he took a deep breath cringing at the smell of smoke on his breath and decided he was the definition of sadness.

renjun slowly exited his room, making his way downstairs to be met with the wonderful smell of cookies baking. he wandered into the living room to see his fathers, sicheng and yuta, fighting over which movie their sweet child would like to watch.

"he'll definitely want to watch the polar express," yuta said, snatching the remote from sicheng.

" actually... he'll want to watch the nightmare before christmas, the polar express is rather boring, " sicheng retorted, smirking at yuta's surprised expression.

"a-actually he'd li-"

"actually, i'd rather listen to christmas music," renjun spoke up, startling his parents.

" christmas music it is, " the couple said in unison.


the cookies were done baking and the trio lay on the couch staring at their brightly lit christmas tree as "crystal snow" played in the background (with yuta occasionally singing some of the words).

"i think i love him," renjun whispered, studying every detail of the needles on the white christmas tree.

yuta sat up, "that jaemin kid? well isn't that a good thing? you're getting over your f-"

"he kissed jeno," renjun laughed bitterly, his voice cracking in the the process .

sicheng quickly engulfed  the smaller into a hug, " please tell him how you feel, renjun it's the only way you'll feel better, " sicheng spoke gently, stroking the small boy's hair.

"ok," renjun croaked , " goodnight, i love you guys, " he said, slowly making his way to his room.

he flopped onto his bed and checked his messages to tell xiaojun why he left, when a certain chat caught his eye. jaemin.

jaem 😳💓

hey, i wanna say
thanks for giving
jeno my number,
we're dating now :)

"congrats!" renjun typed as he began crying all over again .

you guys: h-

* thanks for idk how many reads this story has but thanks anyways!! :)

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