The Quest Begins

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The three Yordles started their journey to Ionia to find Kennen "the heart of tempest". As they were getting closer to Ionia they started hearing laughing , it was not normal laughter , it was evil . A random shuriken flew , sadly it hit our swift scout Teemo. Rumble got his machine ready and speedy became aggressive no one knew what they wear up against . A shadow came in front and shot another shuriken gladly speedy caught it and counter attacked he hit the shadow like creature . But suddenly before the shuriken hit the shadow like creature disappeared . Everyone was afraid , rumble had Teemo in his machine so it would have been 2 v 1 . But suddenly another person attacked they were two . Two of the deadliest shadow people. Zed and nocturne . "What do y want !" speedy said. Zed replied :" to kill u " .

They wear loosing the fight they did not know what to do they wondered if they should attack or just retreat but they knew there was no way to run. Suddenly bolts of lightning appeared and attacked them . " Step away zed this is my territory" the strange voice said. Zed laughs and says " we will meet again " .

In a while our swift scout recovered he opened his eyes and found himself with Kennen he was surprised that they found him but they did not he found them . Speedy and rumble thanked Kennen for helping them and told them the story of bandle city . Kennen tightened his hood and said " when do we start " .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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