Ryuuji/Escape 💙💜

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Escape:Hello,Blue Buster.
Ryuuji:Escape,what do u want?
Escape:I want u to not get near Papa.U know the rules.
Ryuuji:I know the rules already.A rule to destroy u.
Escape:Are u sure u want to mess with me?
Ryuuji:I'm truly am.
Escape:Ok,let's do this one by one.If u win,you're dead but if u win,then I'm dead.
Ryuuji:How is this a one by one?
Escape:I don't know.I'm just making that up.*laughs* Now,you're gonna fight me or what?
Ryuuji:Or I will fight u with my fists.
Escape:Oh yeah,we'll see about that.
Ryuuji:Oh,its on.*turned on his Toq changer* Toq change! * puts his blue ressha and morphs into Blue Buster*
Escape:Let's go,Gog and Magog.
Ryuuji:*yells and fights Escape*
Escape:*fights Ryuuji back*
Ryuuji:*yells and gives Escape a punch*
Escape:*leaps from Ryuuji's punch then leaps and hits Ryuuji* Is that all u got Blue Buster?
Ryuuji:*yells and gives Escape a ground punch* Did I did it?
Escape:*still here*
Escape:Ha! You can't defeat me with one finger.
Ryuuji:Yeah,right,but next time I will defeat u.
Escape:Ok,Gog and Magog,let's get out of here.*vanishes into thin air*
Ryuuji:*breathes heavily*

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