Souji/Amy 💚💖

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Amy:Hey,Souji kun,are u ok?
Souji:Oh,hey,I'm fine.
Amy:Is there something wrong?
Souji:No,no,nothing's wrong.
Amy:Ok,so,everything cool?
Souji:Yeah,yeah,I'm cool.
Amy:Ok,King asked me that I was going to check you.
Souji:Just tell him that I'm fine.
Souji:Wait,Amy.I want to ask u something
Amy:Wow,ok,what is it?
Souji:Its just since I became a Kyoryuger 10 years ago.I realized that I changed.I've been changed since I'm in the team.
Amy:Souji kun,you're always with us and you'll always have each other's backs.
Souji:Yeah,I mean I always have your back too.
Amy:Yeah,I know and you'll always be our friend.
Souji:I know,that's what I was gonna ask u.
Amy:Yeah,what about your technique?
Souji:My techniques will always be in me as long as it takes and I will always be a kyoryuger.
Amy:I'm glad to hear it.Well,I got to go tell King.
Souji:Tell him that I'm cool.
Amy:Ok,bye now.

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