Chapter 22

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Over the next few days, you could tell Vulcan calmed and lowered his guard a little around you. He didn't seem like the type to bestow his trust upon others quickly or easily, a lot like you, so you didn't take the growing respect and trust he showed for you lightly. You could tell Amethyst put him at ease, as she carefully walked between the nests, seeming at home among the Changewing eggs, and took long naps beside the stream. In this time, Vulcan had spoken no more of the map or his dragon shifting abilities. You hadn't see him shift into a dragon once since the first night you'd met him. He did, however, take the time to answer your many questions about the Changewings - how their deep blue and indigo scales helped them to camouflage in the depths of the forest and the night sky when they were hatchlings and did not yet have the ability to adapt their scales to their surroundings; how this species was hunted to near extinction; and how their metallic horns allowed them to block and redirect the attacks of Skrills, their sworn rivals during ancient times, when both the Skrill and the ancient species of Changewing were in abundance and relentlessly competed for territory. He answered all your questions with increasing enthusiasm, clearly pleased that you were taking an interest in these affairs. It was as though he wanted to let you in. Increasingly frequently, you felt his gaze drifting over to you, and when you turned to glimpse him from across the clearing, you would often find his silver, frosty eyes resting on you with what you could only describe as a glint of warmth, no matter how out of character that seemed for him.

It was now dawn, and you had trekked into a further clearing that was free of Changewing eggs, so you could practice your self defense skills. Unsheathing your sword, you spun it round effortlessly with either hand, slashing at the air a few times. Amethyst erupted from the leaves in front of you, mock fighting. You moved the sword quickly, but also being careful not to injure her. She dodged your strikes, but you did occasionally manage to tap her flank with the tip of your sword, and block her attacks.

"Good job!" you called to her, after about twenty minutes of 'intense battle'. She sat back, satisfied with her work, licking her claws and grooming her scales. Meanwhile, you continued practising different strikes and slashes in the air, driving your sword to and fro with full force now that thin air was your only opponent - or so you thought... You spun round on one foot, bringing the sword vertically down, as you pretended to slash an enemy behind you. Except, your sword gave an angry ring that echoed through the trees as it hit metal - another sword in fact. The sword, which was held horizontally to bring your sword to an abrupt halt, looked strikingly similar to your own, with the same intricate pattern at the end of its hilt, as thought it was some kind of dragon blade too. Looking up from the sword to the face in front of you, to reveal its owner, you met Vulcan's steady, silver gaze.

"Vulcan?" you muttered, confused. Neither of you moved, remaining locked in your battle stance, swords intertwined. Looking at the swords again, you realised they weren't just similar, they were pretty much completely identical , besides the Changewing you had carved into the hilt of your own.

"Your sword..." you continued. "It's just like mine.  How?"

"My father gave it to me." he said through icy eyes. You could see his mind was working hard, and now you were beginning to realise what this meant too.

"My father gave me my sword." you repeated.

"I know." he breathed, moving closer to you.

"How...?" was all you could splutter out, yet something deep within you knew exactly how.  You had to hear it from his lips to be sure, though. He took your shoulder with one hand, whilst still holding his sword in place with the other. You felt his face brush past your hair, as he whispered in your ear.

"Because I'm your brother." the words rang in your ear like lightning in a storm. Your heart soared - you had a brother! But, then why had no one ever told you this before? You didn't have time to ponder the question any longer, as Vulcan's hand left your shoulder, as he was knocked from your side with incredible force, and cast across the ground, Sclera pinning him to the forest floor, and readying his lightning blast.

"Stop!" you shouted, leaping forwards to his aid, but hands grabbed you from behind.

"Don't worry, I'm here." you heard Viggo's voice in your ear. " He can't do you any more harm, (Y/n), I'm here." You heard the ominous sound of Viggo's weighty sword being unsheathed, followed by the rapid flaring up of the flame.

"Wait!" you shouted, pulling his arm that held the sword back, "Don't attack! He's not an enemy!" Viggo looked back at you, with a spark of hurt in his eyes. However, his attention was suddenly drawn away by the sound of an enormous roar that made the trees shudder. Vulcan had  shifted into a dragon, his teeth bared and his eyes glowing with more energy than usual, as he now belittled Scerla, who snarled at him through bared teeth. You saw the fearless Skrill preparing to attack, electricity lighting up his body, and sparks gathering at the back of his throat.

"No!" you called out to him again, but he didn't seem to hear you, as he launched an electric blast at Vulcan's chest. For a moment, your body filled with fear, but the lightning was soon redirected by Vulcan's metallic horns, and rebounded to envelope Scerla, who fell to the ground limp. A new fear now filled you, as you saw Amethyst dart across the clearing to nuzzle Sclera's body with horror. You ran to your dragon's side, assessing the damage that had been done. There were hurried footsteps behind you, as Viggo raced to his dragon. As you fell down beside Sclera, you were relieved to see the steady rise and fall of his chest, that told you he was out of immediate danger, that was if you could keep Vulcan from striking again. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw he had shifted back into a human, and now stood at the center of the clearing, his chest heaving a little.  Viggo repeatedly checked Sclera's pulse, giving his head a gentle shake, which soon caused Sclera's eyes to wince open with a groan, and meet Viggo with a nudge to the shoulder. Blood trickled from his jaws, but, as far as you could see, his injuries were not serious. That was something at least - from the looks of it, Vulcan would have easily been able to kill Scerla if he had wished. That still didn't explain why he had attacked when you had repeatedly shouted not to. He could have just as easily redirected Sclera's blast and not hit him.

"A dragon shifter?" Viggo said, though not with his usual interest. Instead, he adopted a tone of bitter coldness, as he addressed Vulcan through narrowed eyes. "I thought those disappeared centuries ago." he added, each word dripping with venom.

"You were wrong." Vulcan retorted with equal animosity.

"Why did you attack?" you asked in an angered tone. To be perfectly honest, you weren't quite sure who you were asking the question to - both of them, probably. But, seeing as you were facing Vulcan, he answered:

"As I told you, the Skrill is the sworn and hated enemy of the ancient Changewing. They are not welcome here." his piercing glare struck Viggo and came to rest on Scerla with hatred.

"Perfect." Viggo snapped. "We'll be going now. I see I was wrong to have come here. It appears you two are quite content among yourselves." he said in a tone you had never heard him use before, as he looked between you and Vulcan. "Forgive me, I should not have come." you had never heard his voice sound so icy, not even when Hiccup had ruined his entire dragon auction or even when Ryker had attacked you. No, this was something different, something that was somehow more agonizing - the emerald menace was shining in his eyes - this was jealousy.

A/N: A jealous Viggo - ouch! This isn't looking great... Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! :)

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