Chapter 1

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You and Viggo, along with your dragons, had been flying in silence for some time now. But, it wasn't an awkward silence. Instead, you simply enjoyed each others' company, along with the magnificent view of the horizon and the tiny dot ( the Archipelago) that now trailed far behind you. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" you repeated with concern, as you had done earlier, glimpsing the four wounds where the arrows had been deeply embedded in Viggo's back. You knew one arrow alone could do major damage, let alone four... When you had taken the arrows out, the bleeding had been relentless at first. But now it seemed to have slowed at least. However, you knew the wounds needed tending to before infection could set in. It was vital you found a safe place to land to tend to the injuries properly. Viggo, on the other hand, had insisted that he was fine and that it was more important to leave the Archipelago before anything else.

"I'm fine," he tried to assure you again, "It's nothing major. Fortunately the arrows didn't penetrate too deeply." But you remained skeptical - you could detect his onerous pain in the undertone of his voice. You gave him a doubtful glance. You were pretty sure he was just saying that to put your anxious mind at ease.

He tried to smile, saying "No need to worry, my dear. I'll be fine with some rest as soon as we land."

"Well then, maybe we should try-"

"But, having said that-" he began in a more lighthearted tone.


"There is one thing I think would help me considerably."

"What's that?" you questioned. He beckoned you towards him with his hand. Your curiosity now peaked, you steadily stood up on Amethyst's back, and balanced skillfully along her indigo wings, until you were close enough to leap onto the Skrill's wing, and scramble across to Viggo in one smooth bound. The Skrill gave a small roar as you landed on his wing, and exchanged a playful glance with Amethyst, who returned a frisky caw with a glint in her eyes.

"So what exactly is it that would 'help you considerably'?"you asked archly.

"I'll show you" he replied, pulling you closer to him by the waist and kissing you, with his other hand tangled in your hair. You held on to his neck, avoiding the arrow wounds.

"Better?" you asked, once you broke away.

"Much." he replied with a smirk.

"Can I ask you something?" You took a seat on the Skrill's back,  resting one foot on his spine, and letting the other hang over the side.

"Of course." he replied.

"I know you wanted to defeat Krogan and Johann, but what made you change your mind about dragons?"

"I never really hated dragons." he began, "As a boy, I was fascinated by them, in fact. They were simply what my business was founded on, and killing them was a necessary evil to my monetary success. I was indifferent to their suffering for a time." He paused to glance at you "That was before you. A number of factors played a part in my change of heart, I suppose: Ember's sacrifice, Toothless' loyalty and the way Amethyst and the Skrill saved us. Without you, I don't suppose I would ever have come to respect them as equals as I do now." you smiled at his compliments and, you hated to admit it, a slight blush swept across your face, which, of course, did not go unnoticed.

"So thank you." he continued, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You kissed him back. It felt amazingly liberating that you and Viggo could now freely share what emotions had been building up for months without the restraints of having to conceal your feelings from others or be suspicious of each other. Around you, the clouds were cool, but you didn't mind as long as you were near Viggo.

"What I really want to know is why you came back for me?" he asked, "I was unsure you would believe my honest sentiments inscribed in that letter."

"You have Amethyst to thank for that." you gestured towards the Changewing, drifting above the clouds to your left. "She somehow understood your motives and convinced me to believe you too. And then, once I found out what was going on, I couldn't help myself going after you." Viggo smiled at you, but the pain on his face was evident, and you assumed the added weight with you leaning against him wasn't helping either. You carefully got to your feet, and smoothly leapt the gap to Amethyst's indigo wings, and sat on the her familiar saddle.

"Are you sure-"

At that moment, you glimpsed a dark shadow lingering beneath the cloud cover. Not wanting to draw attention, you froze mid-sentence and caught Viggo's attention with you eyes. You pointed at the shadow to the right, just below the cloud cover. Viggo followed your gaze, and looked at the shadow with puzzlement. Apprehension gripped you as you realized that, whatever it was, it was following you.

A/N: Hi everyone! So this will be the sequel to Deception! I'm not great at writing the first chapters of stuff, but this should get better as it goes along. I'm trying to update weekly at least, if not more frequently. Hope you enjoy reading this!

Mysteries Beyond (Dragons RTTE Fanfic  - Sequel to Deception)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora