The End

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For ScomicheExplorer

A/N: Last chapter! I'm actually posting this early because I really want to finish this and start on a new story for updates. So enjoy. No update for CYFMH(IIHO) today.

P.S. I'm actually in a lot of pain. I have a severely sprained ankle so updates might be postponed. I've been having trouble focusing. Forever With You will be updated but everything else will probably be after I get off crutches which is next Monday. IM SORRY!!

P.P.S. If you are doing a cover for the sequel for YATIHIF it's due by the 30th of this month. You guys are so talented and I'm lucky to have readers like you!!

*Three Years Later*

"What caused your unhappiness?" The therapist was scribbling down on a pad of paper. I shifted on the squishy couch that I had grown accustom to. Two years in a facility helped me get my sanity back. I was better. Now I was living in my own apartment, required to see a therapist once a week. "Was it your rough relationship with your parents?" I shook my head.

"I had....I had an unhealthy relationship with my neighbor."

"And what happened with that neighbor?"

"He was married. I was only fourteen at the time and he was twenty years older than me. But I couldn't give him up." I heard the pen on the paper with quick movements.

"Did you have your medicine back then?" I shook my head. My parents didn't believe in using medicine. "So your obsessive disorder was fueled instead of being taken care of?" I nodded slowly. Turns out, my obsessive nature to Mitch, was because I was born with a disease that causes me to latch on and never want to let go.

"I was kicked out of my house because the man's wife walked in on us." I picked at the string that was starting to come off my jeans. "I was alone for six years. I guess I didn't think anyone cared and when someone did, they peeked my interest."

"You remember what we talked about right?" I looked up at my therapist. She was a nice lady. Very plain looking but I never saw the look in her eyes about me being disgusting or crazy. "You love the idea of Mitch. He was the one who saved you and you felt grateful to him. There was never a 'meant to be' between the two of you. Did you send the letter to Derek explaining what happened?" I nodded. I was on a strong medication now. I was able to see what I did was wrong. Derek and Mitch had something special. The kind of glow the younger boy had around his boyfriend. And I destroyed that.

"I sent it a couple months back." She smiled at me.

"That's excellent Scott." She checked the watch hanging on the wall. "I'm afraid times up but I'll see you next week."

The thing that sent me into a fit of depression is that I haven't seen Mitch in three years. They said it was unhealthy. And I had to agree. I found myself thinking about him. I wonder if he was still alone or if he was in a new relationship. I learned from Kirstie that Derek said he would never take Mitch back. But I don't think he meant it. Those two were in love. And maybe I wasn't in love with Mitch.

"May I just get a regular coffee please?" I felt the air get caught in my throat when I turned to look at the customer.

"Mitch?" I saw the look of fear go over all of his features.

"Scott." His eyes drifted over me and suddenly that fear disappeared. Next thing I know, I'm on my break talking to Mitch. He looked better than the last time I saw him. He was back to looking happy and it seems he lost some weight. "So you're working at the café?"

"Yeah." He bit his lip.

"How are you Scott?" He said it slowly and with genuine concern.

"I'm better. A lot better. They put me on some medication and I'm seeing a therapist once a week." He smiled. That smile. I've longed to see that smile in the past three years. He reached across the table with his left hand to grab my right comfortingly. That when I noticed something. "Who's the lucky man?" I gently grabbed his hand to inspect the ring. It was a beautiful gold with little swirls in patterns.

"Derek." I raised one of my eyebrows. I never thought I would see him back in the picture.

"Y-You're married?" He shook his head with a small smile, taking his hand back to look at the ring.

"Not yet. Two more weeks."

"Congratulations." I managed to get the word out. I would never be able to have Mitch to myself. I shook my head. I can't have those thoughts again. I was doing so well.

"Thank you. For that and the letter." Derek got my apology letter? "He didn't let me read it but he said you explained and apologized." I smiled.

"I'm so glad he got it. Did you two get back together then?" Mitch shook his head.

"No. We had been together. A month after I last saw you, he came back."

"How did he propose?" Don't get me wrong right now. I was extremely jealous. But I had to be a better person than I use to.

"It was a joke." Mitch chuckled lightly. "We were watching a movie and the wife was like crazy jealous. I said I would never be like that. He told me to prove it. I like cliché but it was kind of perfect that it happened that way."

"I'm glad you're happy. You deserve it."

"Thanks. Derek is actually going to be here soon if you want to say hi." I nodded. It was about ten minutes later that Derek walked in.


"Hi." I shook his hand. I had to be polite.

"Oh." He pulled out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to me. Mitch went to stand by his fiancé. "This is for you." My name was scrawled on the front with beautiful handwriting. I bet it was Mitch's. I opened the envelope and took out the letter. An invitation.

Together with their families

Mitch Grassi & Derek Onesto

Request the pleasure of your company at the celebration of their union.


Saturday, The Eighteenth of October

Two thousand and Fourteen

At six o'clock in the evening

"I want you to come Scott." I glanced up at Mitch. "You're still my friend." I thought about it. Then my eyes went to Derek. He was handsome. He wasn't completely muscle but I could tell he was strong. He was my height but we are kind of of opposites. Dark short hair with green eyes and naturally tanned skin. He smiled at me with a little nod to show he agreed with Mitch's decision.

"I don't think I'll be here to come." I saw Mitch's happy mood drop. He stood on his toes to give me a proper hug.

"Take care of yourself, okay Scott?" I nodded, hugging him back. I wish I could always relive this moment. But nothing can last forever.

Tragedy on George Washing Memorial Bridge

Hours after getting off of his shift at Good Luck Café, twenty five year old Scott Hoying climb onto the edge of the ledge of the bridge. Only pausing for a couple seconds before jumping. He gave his suicide note to a passing witness. Written on a wedding invitation was a small good luck for the couple and an I'm sorry. Mr. Hoying died on impact.

His parents were surprised to hear about their son after he had run away at the age of fourteen. Scott ran away with his thirty-four year old neighbor until he was abandoned at sixteen.

Scott suffered from an obsessive disorder, a compulsive lying disorder, and severe depression that left him in many medications. He had been in a mental health facility for two years until being ordered to have to go to a therapist once a week. Scott Hoying will be buried in his family plot.

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