Chapter One

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Four years later

Andy's POV

In the begginning, you have your whole life ahead of you. You have hopes and dreams and goals that you plan to work hard for, but then life gets in the way and everything changes. I didn't plan to fall in love, I didn't plan to get engaged, and I definitley didn't plan to have a kid. But I did, and I wouldn't change any of it for the world because right now, in this moment, I am happy. I have a beautiful wife and an even more beautiful daughter that I get to wake up to almost every morning. 

However, it wasn't always like this. This past year inparticular, my life was completely turned upside down. As a father, you're supposed to promise your kids that nothing will ever hurt them, but I broke that promise by trusting the wrong people. You see, my daughter was taken from me when she was very young, only a few months old. Now listen, I have been beaten, shot, stabbed, etc. But no pain in the world can be compared to the pain of losing a child. It all started when-


"Hey mom, what's up? Is everything okay?"

"Andy, Octavia is missing. I don't know what happend, we were at the park and your father left her in the swing to get her coat and-"

I shot up out of bed in a panic, it was then that I realized that Damon wasn't working alone. I explained to Alex what was going on, and then I told her to call the cops. I got dressed in record timing and grabbed my keys off of the night stand. "I'm going to find our daughter." I rushed out of the house and hoped that Alex would stay put this time.

I sped to my parents house, the cops were already there. I walked through the door to see my mom and dad sitting on their couch, three cops surrounding them. One of them I was good friends with, He was asking them questions. One was taking notes, and the other was looking around for what I assumed to be evidence.

"Oh, Andrew-" My mom rushed over to me with tears in her eyes and embraced me in a hug. "I am so sorry." She cried into my shoulder, I began to cry too when I realized that I needed to be strong, for Tav. "It's not your fault." I whispered before braking our embrace. 

"I'm assuming you're the father?" I nodded as I stood next to the couch. "I was telling the officer how I didn't see anyone else at the park, it was just the three of us. I was sitting on the bench while your father was pushing her in the swing, but it got cold so your father went to grab her jacket and when he came back, she was gone." My mom was hysterical.

"Okay ma'am, just calm down. Andrew, may we speak with you in the other room?" The officer who I happened to know signaled for me to follow him into the kitchen. "Andy I am so sorry, we're gonna find Octavia as soon as we can." He embraced me in a hug. "Thank you, Michael, I mean Sergeant Anteiku. I appreciate it, I know you guys will try your best." He nodded and leaned against the counter.

"Do you think it could have been Damon again?" He asked, but I shook my head. "No way, he's too smart to show his face around here again, he knows he's being looked for." Michael nodded in agreement. "I know you want to keep this investigation kinda... private, but I think my sister, Luna, might have some information that might be useful to us-" I interupted him quickly. "Whatever it takes to get my daughter back." I added.

"Well she was in the area that night, or so I heard. Me and her aren't on the best of terms after she found out that I was secretly working for you on the Damon case not too long ago..." He gave me a worried look, then it clicked. "Oh, so she's... a fan? I don't know if it's such a good idea to get her involved-" I didn't want a repeat of what happened at warped tour, the last thing I need is for another fan to get hurt because of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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