I Won't Let Anything Happen To You

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"Mama?" A little girl asked in the lap of her mother, who was currently trying to tame her daughters unruly locks by putting it up in a neat bun. The woman with her curly brown hair let out a small hum in acknowledgment to her daughter, letting her three year old know she was listening.

"Why don't I have a daddy like the other kids do?" The woman froze at the sudden question. Her hands had stopped fiddling in her daughter's hair, making it plop back to how it was before. She always had known that the question would come up, but that didn't make it any easier for her to tell her daughter.

She turned the small girl to be facing her. She looked her little girl in her steel blue eyes with her own emerald green ones. She had her fathers eyes, with the exception of the green that rested around her pupils. Looking into them everyday made her happy yet heartbroken at the same time. Heartbroken, knowing she probably wasn't going to get to see the man who gave their daughter those eyes again, but it made her happy knowing her father lived on in his daughter.

"Well baby, that's a little hard to say. To be honest with you I don't know what happened to your father. One day he went out to... um... buy some things with your aunt and uncle, and they never came home." What she said was partially the truth. She didn't know what had happened to the ones she loved, she had a hunch as to what had though. She didn't really like to dwell on it much.

The other part of the story wasn't very true. They had told her exactly what they were doing before they left. They were to assassinate a member of the Survey Corps when they came across him.

His name was Erwin Smith

~Flash back~
*Olesya's Mother's POV*

"Are you crazy?! You could be captured and killed! What happens then Levi?! What happens to me and Olesya?! Huh?! I don't want to lose you! I don't want her to lose you!" I yell at him in anger and fear. Olesya was tucked away in her crib in our bedroom being watched by Farlan and Isabel. She wasn't even a year old yet, but she had captured both yours and Levi's hearts the minute she arrived in this world. He was a good father and husband, but he was also a great thug.

His work scared me. Not because of what he does, but because of what could happen to him if he were to finally get caught by the MP's or worse.

"Indra, we have no choice. They've already taken Jan to a hospital on the surface as a deposit. Even if we don't do it, the Survey Corps will still come after us. One way or another we're going to have to fight them. If we get the job done we can become citizens of the surface." My eyes widened at that. The surface? That means we won't rot down here. Most importantly Olesya will have a better life. We could finally be free of here.

Levi grabs my shoulders and brings me into a hug. I hug him back tightly as tears start to form in my eyes. He strokes my long hair comforting me.

"Please trust us. Trust me to come back to you and our baby girl. If we do this we're free, and Olesya will never have to know she lived in a filthy shit hole place like this. I love you and her. Please trust me." He finally finishes off, bringing my face down so he could kiss my forehead, since I was about three inches taller than him.

My tears were falling freely now. I knew he would do everything in his power to get back to us and keep his promise, but I was still afraid. I hear Olesya start to whine a bit, probably getting up from her nap. I pull away from Levi and look into his eyes. They held an urgency for me to trust him, which ultimately I did.

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