November 19th, 1974

917 15 16

Dear Journal,

My training is finally over today. It was really annoying to have to listen the that BLU Scout guy talking on and on about how he doubts I will ever be as good as him. Freaking loser. But anyways, after training I was considered an official member of the team, and I had to pick someone to help me out to get used to the base for a few days.

I was gonna pick that Sniper guy, but I felt like that would be as good as waving a sign in front of his face that says "I like you", since I talked to him least out of the whole team. So I went with this guy called Spy who kinda reminded me of my dad and seemed pretty professional, so he could probably help me out at least a little.

So he was answering a few of my questions when I asked "Why doesn't Sniper talk that much?" and then immediately felt stupid for asking a question like that. He looked at me like I was crazy or something, then said he just wasn't use to moving around the base much and he was more of a type to be alone. I only nodded slightly in embarrassment. I kinda regretted picking this guy now, because he seemed smart and it seemed like he guessed that I had a small crush on Sniper.

Anyways, at dinner today, we were all eating and discussing my first battle, which is coming up tomorrow. Everyone was arguing over what to do, while I just sat back and watched, unsure of what plans worked well and which sucked. We never even ended up agreeing on anything! I don't know what the hell I am even suppose to do besides grab some briefcase and bring it back to my base and hit some idiots over the head with a bat!

That's all I've got for today.

Sincerely (I guess this is how people end journals),

RED Femscout

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