Meeting riddle

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I awoke up in my dorm and I went down to breakfast it was 7 o'clock and I was really tired. As I was walking I was listening to starkid songs and when I got to the great hall I was on 'as different as can be' I was singing to myself when someone sat across me "your a sissy a twat a girl, I'm the darkest of lords, you think that we should rule the world I think books are a thrill, sipping tea by the fire is swell pushing people in is fun as well." I sung changing the voice for each character when suddenly there was a loud cough infront of me I looked up to see a guy, good looking guy sitting infront of me.

"Yesssssss" I asked, "hey babe, I'm Matt Daniels I was just wondering if you wanted to go to hogsmead with tomorrow" and he winked at me, I knew he was a player so, I pretended to blush and coy away shy and his smirk grew wider and then I pulled him closer to my face and at this point everyone was watching, I just said "no" and pushed him back he said "oh cool I'll meet you a- WHAT" I said this as though he was a little child "n-o it means not at all; to any extent, good I yep thought you had to be smart to be put in ravenclaw" he scowled at me and this time it was my go to smirk "and he said I will get you babe I get everyone", "ok good luck with getting tori" shouted sir nick from the gryffindor table " oh hey nick, now mark was it? I'm trying to eat my breakfast so you can go" and I flicked my hand and he flew over to the ravenclaw table.

At this point most of the girls were staring daggers at me and I was laughing along with other girls who I presume are his ex's. Suddenly everyone's time tables appeared in front of the I picked mine up and read :


Transfiguration- ravenclaws

Potions- ravenclaws

DADA- gryffindor


Charms- hufflepuff

Divination- gryffindor


So I picked up my stuff and walked out the great hall heading to transfiguration, once I got to the classroom I sat in my usual space at the front and pulled out my book and started doodling on the front. After 7 doodles later people for class arrived and filed in and lined up at the back. "Er professor shouldn't tori stand at the back" "no no that's is her space mr.petit" I burst out laughing because this guy was huge but his name was mr.petit which means mr.small ha. Once I had regained control of myself professor dumbeldore started telling people where to sit and guess who I had no not mark Daniels or was it matt whatever no I had...create suspense... Tom Riddle.

Once he sat down he said "you shouldn't doodle on your book" I just laughed and focused on the lesson. Then Dumbledore spoke "before we start the lesson I want you to get to know your partner" he flashed a wink at me and I winked back "you have 15mins go".

So being the person I am I reached out my had and said "Tori. Tori Nova" in a James Bond way. He replyed "tom riddle" and shook my hand and all the girls around the room glared at me so I leaned into him and whispered in his ear "a ladies man ey?" And I leaned back and he let out a chuckle and the glares intensified. "Tom ummmm. I like it but I like tommy better hehe" he glared at me I laughed "I'm only joking anyway so you like dark magic. Hum" he chocked on his spit "oh and hows fangsy doing" he regained his composure and said "who?"

I sighed and lowered my voice to a whisper "the batalisk, in the chamber, duh I thought you knew about that?" And after i said that he just sat there gauping at me with his jaw hanging slightly adjar, so I said as though it was obvious "QUICK! close your mouth or you'll catch flies" and then I giggled and he glared at me and I said "I'm sorry tommy-bear" and his glare intensified along with all the girls in the I sighed "ok, ok I'm sorry alright oh and don't be mad at me" and he mumbled "ok I accept your apology" I smirked "alright class times up lets continue with the lesson".

The lesson was over before you knew it had begun and we were soon shipped out if the lesson and walking to the next lesson potions then I turned around to see mi- no it's matt? Oh well. But whatever his name is he was catching up to me and fast so I panicked and ran and stood next to Tom who was walking alone, I turned back around to see that that he had a scowl on his face looking at Tom and he had slowed down. I let out a sigh of relief a loud on at the then turned to Tom who was staring at me with a small smirk then turned to face down the hall again, so I said "what?!" In a snappish manner, and he replyed "can't keep away from me can you nova" and I spoke in a matter-of-fact way " no, I just used you as an escape root, I can't use my nomad way of traveling oth- whoops shouldn't have said that gotta go and at the precise moment in time I pull back a tapestry that is hiding a secret passage way and walk through but I turn back and say "you coming to potions or what?" But tom replyes but potions is that way and points down the corridor I laugh and reply "yes but this is a short cut knocks of 5 mins come on" I begin to walk and he follows.

I'm going to travel in time (harry potter fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz