Arriving and setterling

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I turned on my foot and appeared in the great hall of Hogwarts, I was starting my fifth year at Hogwarts and I decided to spend it in a new time period... Tom riddles. You see I'm a a witch who is very skilled at wand less magic, a travalite, a elemetist and a metamorghagus I'm special. A travalite is a person who can change to what age they please and they can travel in time. And a elemetist is a person who can control the main elements, fire, water, earth and air and some things that branch off those elements like ice or lava. And I assume you know what the others are.

"Sorry am I late?, ummm well this is awkward" I say to all the staring faces. The I turn to the sorting hat " ah dexseperue, long time no see old hat get it haha ole hat instead of chap haha yes well.... Oh the sorting of the first years" I walk up to the list professor Dumbledore is holding and look at it then I say " oh look I'm last ummm yes, then rue ole buddy ole pal can we play are game?" And I pull the puppy dog eyes " no " rue ( the sorting hat) replies " oh ok your only doing this because you know I'll win " "ye- I mean no fine lets play" I sit down next to rue with a smug look on my face.

Then a random person shouts out " what game?" Then there murmurs of agreement from the hall " oh we'll when the first year comes up we guess what house they'll be in before there sorted you ready rue?" He nodded " ok let's go" and with that I waved my hand and a pen and parchment appeared out of thin air. " How did you do that" asked a ravenclaw

" magic duh, right I'm ready when you are" I nodded at Dumbledore and he called out "Hannah lumb" " I screamed " JIGGERLYPUFF oops I mean HUFFLPUFF, sorry hufflepuffs I love you all I really do please don't be mad at me? Few"

After about 20 more children I had won by 11 to 9. "Ha ha I won" I shouted whilst doing a victory dance " yes now time for your sorting" Dumbledore says.

" ok" and I hop onto the stall. Then the rue asks what house do you want to be in?" " ummmm well I was in hufflepuff last time and gryffindor the time before and ravenclaw the time before that and gryffindor twice and before slytherin. OH! I haven't been in slytherin in a while so I pick slytherin then" I say. " ok then SLYTHERIN" and I hop of the stall and go to the slytherin table.

To my dismay there is only one spot left between two skinny, ugly guys and since I know the future I recognised them a Nott and malfoy and then Nott shouted " hey darling come sit between us" and he winked at me then malfoy beckoned me over. I laughed and replyed " no thanks Nott, malfoy I'm good here" and with that i swept my hand asid and everyone on the right side of the table moved up one space so there was a space on the end and I sat down and I put my headphones in and started listening to missing you by starkid. And about half way through the song I looked up to see everyone staring at me in shock and amazement so I took out my headphones paused my music and I heard whispering like... "how does she know there names" and " how did the make them move down one seat" so I shouted "where's the food?" And with know answer I clicked my own fingers and food appeared in front of me and then people gasped but then Dumbledore chuckled.

And everyone turned to face him and he and I burst out laughing. And everyone stared at us like we were crazy and then professor dippet clapped and all the food appeared and everyone forgot about me and professor Dumbledore and I finished soon after and walked around the table and soon everyone stared at me and I walked up to the staff table and said to professor Dumbledore " hey professor Dumbledore ha professor I always knew you'd do well and it's gonna get much better anyway imma gonna head off I think I'll have a room for two and I'll choose who will stay with me is that ok?" " yes tori that should be fine" he says " cool see you in transfiguration ( I say this in a whisper) and imma not gonna umm use my normal form of travel until later ok oh and I'm only staying for a year" " certainly, see you " and with that I left for the slytherin comman room.

Whilst there in the common room I summond a book on the dark arts and sat down and began to read by the time I got to chapter 7 when people began to come in then suddenly a long shadow loomed over the space on the couch I was sitting on I looked up to see a frizzy haired girl with crazy eyes. I immeaditly realised that this was druella black. So I decided to say a simple "yes" with sarcasm dripping off my tongue. Druella answered "that's my space" I snorted "I don't think so Hun I was here first" I said with a southern accent. " don't mess with her I warn you" a random person says. And druella smirks and I just snort."And I wouldn't mess with tori either" the portrait of slytherin above the fireplace everyone stared at it in awe "oh hey sazathar I haven't seen you in oh a long time how are you?" I reply.

"Oh I'm great, and miss black that is her space she picked it when we bought it hahahahahah I remember that day anyway tori fangs has missed you" " oh yeah I must visit him soon anyway see ya soon ima going to bed and I pick my room mate tomorrow ok goodnight" and with that I go to bed.

I'm going to travel in time (harry potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now