A Town Called Dignity

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Told to move along brass badge in the face

Too lazy to pull this guitar from it's case

And show them they should not look down in disgrace

Before too long you also don't belong anyplace

Crown of thorns matted dreadlocks on head

Shopping cart tipped by the underpass bed

Line around the block where all but early birds get fed

Gold hearted volunteers hand out stale bronze bread

Your smile

Always put a disturbed look on their faces

Isn't it an irony

You're in a town called Dignity

How many times must one lose a job

Before it feels like your soul has been robbed

Molesters and murderers blame genes for their lot

You blend in your best but even they see a slob

Mayor came in she said "Let's move them downtown."

Media came in they said "Capture the frowns!"

Samaritans came in and said "Don't push them around."

Taxpayers stayed home held their beaten heads down

No one but the bulldozer driver stuck around

Came in to generously level the ground

All day and all night in the elements outside

You find it's not a free ride

What you pay with is your pride

Paul Summers Jr.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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