💙 alterations - lucio x worker!reader

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a/n: i have scrapped like 5 different lucio oneshots but i'm really happy with this one!

I guess you could say working for Jack Morrison was physically demanding. What exactly do I do, may you ask? I fix and upgrade Overwatch's technologies and repair ripped or damaged armor and outfits. I have people like Junkrat constantly coming in, saying his grenade launcher was jammed or there were bombs stuck in it, I had offered to rebuild it entirely but he kept giving the same old "Nothing is better than a good hand and some scrap pieces!" Another frequent guest was Reinhardt, his shield and armor was always beaten up so I had to get my assistant Brigitte to help me out.

It was a normal day, Brigitte sat at the workbench beside me and continued to tinker with D.VA's pistol, she even scrubbed the bunny charm clean.

Out of nowhere, the double doors flung open and there stood an unlikely guest, Lucio.

Truth is, I have a minor- no, major crush on him. But he's most likely not gay so I never really bothered to ask.

"Didn't expect to see you here, lu."

"I've needed to come for a while actually, but I felt like I would've been giving you too much work."

"Haha, it's fine. What did you need fixing?"

"My skates!"

He states with a spark of enthusiasm, the kind of happy vibe he gives off is what attracted me to him. He kicks his foot up into the air and his skate came off his foot and right into his hands.

"This one is so much more clunky than the other one, sometimes the wheels (i don't remeber if they are rollerblades or ice skates so bear with me) will stop entirely and make me trip over! Turns out Vishkar tech isn't as great as they made it out to be."

I take the shoe from him and examine the bottom of them, the wheels were extremely worn out, to the point where the metal it's connecting to is visible and could quite easily stop him.

"And here's another issue, my gun won't stop switching from healing to speed. It keeps playing songs I don't want it to play."

"Vishkar needs to up their design game because these are all major issues, but thank you for bringing this to my attention. All I really need to do is replace the wheels and stop whatever is switching the settings on your gun."

"Thanks a bunch, N/N. (nickname) Do you mind if I watch you? I'm really bored as it is!"

"Heh, I don't see why not."

Lucio goes to grab a wooden stool, while Brigitte gave her a thumbs up and mouthed 'shoot your shot!' He comes back over and plops himself down on the seat, observing the tools sprawled all over the bench.


I mutter while looking through the draws to find wheels that would fit, and to my suprise, the first ones I grabbed happened to fit. Before attatching them, I began painting them a neon green and painted varnish on it to keep the paint from shifting too much.

"Alright, we've gotta wait for the varnish to dry so let's start on the gun."

I slapped it onto the desk, but cautiously of course, and flicked a switch to turn it on. It began playing a peaceful piano ballad as the ealing music, but switched after about 5 seconds to speed, but the song caught my attention. It said;

"Ohhh Y/N, you make my heart skip a beat!
Your infectious love has brought me to my feet!"

The heat immedietly rushed to my face and to his as well.

"I-I can e-explain! It was a.. uh.. sample name! Yeah!... ugh i'm a bad liar."

"You.. like me?"


"Lu, I didn't even know you were gay!"

"Shhh! Nobody does! I don't know if my fans would see me the same way ever again!"

He was whisper yelling at this point, but the only person that heard was Brigitte, but she obviously ships us so it's not an issue. My face was painted in red and so was is, but was hardly noticable due to his darker complexion.

"F-Forget it, I shouldn't have come in here-"

I latched onto his arm as he sat up to walk away.

"I like you too, lu."


He screams, pretty much alerting the entire base of his newfound relationship.

"Would you.. uh.."

"Go out with you? Hell yes!"

He pulled me into a heart wrenching hug, with my head on his shoulder and vice versa.

"I'm gonna make a risky move, pose hottie!"

He had whipped out his phone to take a cute selfie, I look like a mess but anything for this man.

"I'm gonna post this and write a coming out caption, is that alright with you?"

"Go ahead."

In a matter of minutes, he finished writing a caption and posted it to Instagram. It didn't take long for comments to start spilling in, majority being supportive while the minority isn't. Our friends even had a say in the matter:

@ tracerxlena: so happy for you lu!
@ bunnyribbitshipper: dude what the hell?! what about d.va?!
@ sashadossantos: so happy for my idol!
@ torbtheswede: ï fëël lïkë my däüghtër häs sömëthïng tö dö wïth thïs!

We saw some heart throbbing and supportive comments and couldn't be happier, to the point where Lucio started to tear up.

"This is amazing..!"

He pecks my cheek out of adrenaline and he just couldn't stop smiling.

"Shit! I still need to fix your weapon!"

"Oh! Yeah, need help?"

"I mean, you could screw the wheels back in if you'd like."

"Will do, babe."

He winks, ruffles my hair and picks up the screwdriver to start working, his determination alone made him as attractive as he is.
A/N: i have a hella soft spot for this dude! i wanna do more x male!readers (i know alot of you are female but i gotta show love to the minority too!)


overwatch ⇢ oneshots, hc's and imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin